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Native Spark OutputCommitter High Priority

We plan to add a Hadoop OutputCommitter that uses existing lakeFS operations for atomic commits that are efficient and safely concurrent.

This comes with several benefits:

  • Performance: This committer does metadata operations only and doesn’t rely on copying data.
  • Atomicity: A commit in lakeFS is guaranteed to either succeed or fail, but will not leave any intermediate state on failure.
  • Traceability: Attaching metadata to each commit means we get quite a lot of information on where data is coming from, how it’s generated, etc. This allows building reproducible pipelines in an easier way.
  • Resilience: Since every Spark write is a commit, it’s also undoable by reverting it.

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Table format support

Currently, lakeFS supports merging and comparing references by doing an object-wise comparison. For unstructured data and some forms of tabluar data (namely, Hive structured tables), this works fine.

However, in some cases simply creating a union of object modifications from both references isn’t good enough. Modern table formats such as Delta Lake, Hudi, and Iceberg rely on a set of manifest or log files that describe the logical structure of the table. In those cases, a merge operation might have to be aware of the structure of the data: generate a new manifest or re-order the log in order for the output to make sense. Additionally, the definition of a conflict is also a bit different: simply looking at object names to determine whether or not a conflict occurred might not be good enough.

With that in mind, we plan to make the diff and merge operations pluggable. lakeFS already supports injecting custom behavior using hooks. Ideally, we can support this by introducing on-diff and on-merge hooks that allow implementing hooks in different languages, possibly utilizing existing code and libraries to aid with understanding these formats.

Once this is done, one may implement:

Iceberg support High Priority

A table in Iceberg points to a single metadata file, containing a “location” property. Iceberg uses this location to store:

  1. Manifests describing where the data is stored.
  2. The actual data.

Once a table is created, the location property doesn’t change. Therefore, a branch creation in lakeFS in meaningless, since new data added to this branch will be added to the main branch. There are some workarounds for this, but it is our priority to create an excellent integration with Iceberg.

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Metastore integration hooks

Allow lakeFS users that query and manipulate data using Hive Metastore to automate the integration between both components.

  1. Creating a branch/tag with a predefined naming convention will result in automatic creation of metastore tables (for a predefined set of table names)
  2. Deleting a branch/tag with a predefined naming convention will result in automatic deletion of metastore tables (for a predefined set of table names)
  3. Merging a branch into another branch will result in metastore changes between branches being applied to the metastore for modified tables defined on the destination branch

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Delta Lake merges and diffs across branches

Delta lake stores metadata files that represent a logical transaction log that relies on numerical ordering.

Currently, when trying to modify a Delta table from two different branches, lakeFS would correctly recognize a conflict: this log diverged into two different copies, representing different changes. Users would then have to forgo one of the change sets by either retaining the destination’s branch set of changes or the source’s branch.

A much better user experience would be to allow merging this log into a new unified set of changes, representing changes made in both branches as a new set of log files (and potentially, data files too!).

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Improved Azure Support

HadoopFS: Support Azure Blob Storage

Extend the lakeFS HadoopFilesystem to support working directly with Azure Blob Storage.

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Support Azure CosmosDB as backend KV store

Allow Azure users to use a serverless database such as CosmosDB as their backing KV for lakeFS metadata.

This will also allow auto-provisioning of a CosmosDB database and table as part of the Helm installation process, similar to how its done for DynamoDB on AWS.

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Sync a lakeFS reference (or part of it) with a local directory

Support working locally with data stored on lakeFS from a specific reference.

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Improved streaming support for Apache Kafka

Committing (along with attaching useful information to the commit) makes a lot of sense for batch workloads:

  • run a job or a pipeline on a separate branch and commit,
  • record information such as the git hash of the code executed, the versions of frameworks used, and information about the data artifacts,
  • once the pipeline has completed successfully, commit, and attach the recorded information as metadata.

For streaming, however, this is currently less clear: There’s no obvious point in time to commit as things never actually “finish successfully”. The recommended pattern would be to ingest from a stream on a separate branch, periodically committing - storing not only the data added since last commit but also capturing the offset read from the stream, for reproducibility. These commits can then be merged into a main branch given they pass all relevant quality checks and other validations using hooks, exposing consumers to validated, clean data.

In practice, implementing such a workflow is a little challenging. Users need to:

  1. Orchestrate the commits and merge operations.
  2. Figure out how to attach the correct offset read from the stream broker.
  3. Handle writes coming in while the commit is taking place.

Ideally, lakeFS should provide tools to automate this, with native support for Apache Kafka.

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Native connector: Trino

Currently, the Trino integration works well using the lakeFS S3 Gateway.

While easy to integrate and useful out-of-the-box, due to the S3 protocol, it means that the data itself must pass through the lakeFS server.

For larger installations, a native integration where lakeFS handles metadata and returns locations in the underlying object store that Trino can then access directly would allow reducing the operational overhead and increasing the scalability of lakeFS. This would be done in a similar way to the Native Spark integration using the Hadoop Filesystem implementation.

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Versioning Capabilities

Garbage collection for uncommitted stale objects High Priority

Support deleting objects that don’t belong to any commit and were deleted on the target branch.

This is commonly used for objects that were staged and then deleted or moved.

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Garbage Collection on Google Cloud Platform

The lakeFS Garbage Collection capability hard-deletes objects deleted from branches, helping users reduce costs and comply with data privacy policies. Currently, lakeFS only supports Garbage Collection of S3/Azure objects managed by lakeFS. Extending the support to GCP will allow lakeFS users that use GCP as their underlying storage to use this feature.

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Incremental Garbage Collection High Priority

Support running the Garbage Collection Spark job incrementally: take into account commits and references scanned and collected on previous runs to avoid traversing the entire graph on each execution.

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Support long running hooks

Support running hooks that might possibly take many minutes to complete. This is useful for things such as data quality checks - where we might want to do big queries or scans to ensure the data being merged adheres to certain business rules.

Currently, pre-commit and pre-merge hooks in lakeFS are tied to the lifecycle of the API request that triggers the said commit or merge operation. In order to support long running hooks, there are enhancements to make to lakeFS APIs in order to support an asynchronous commit and merge operations that are no longer tied to the HTTP request that triggered them.

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Git Integration

Support an integration between a lakeFS repository and a Git repository. Allow versioning data assets along with the code that was used to modify/generate them.

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