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Create a Repository

A repository contains all of your objects, including the revision history. It can be considered the lakeFS analog of a bucket in an object store. Since it has version control characteristics, it’s also analogous to a repository in Git.

Create the first user

When you first open the lakeFS UI, you will be asked to create an initial admin user.

Note: If you already have lakeFS credentials, log in and skip to creating the repository.

  1. Open the lakeFS UI in your browser (how?) Use an address pointing at your lakeFS server. Depending on how you deployed lakeFS, this can be a custom address (e.g.,, the address of a load balancer, or something else. and choose a name for your admin user.


  2. After clicking Setup, your lakeFS credentials will appear. Copy and store them somewhere safe, since you won’t be able to see them again.


  3. Click the button to go to the login screen.

  4. Use the credentials to login as an administrator.

Create the repository

  1. When logged in to lakeFS, click Create Repository.

  2. In the shown dropdown, choose Blank Repository (what are the other options?) The other options can help you integrate your existing tools with lakeFS.

    Create Repository

  3. Fill in a repository name.

  4. Set the Storage Namespace to a location in the bucket you’ve configured in a previous step. The storage namespace is a location in the underlying storage where data for this repository will be stored.

    The storage namespace is a URI, and its scheme is determined by the storage type. For example, the storage namespace can be s3://example-bucket/example-path/ if you’re using AWS S3, or gs://example-bucket/example-path if you’re using Google Cloud Storage.

  5. To finish creating the repository, click Create Repository.

Next steps

You’ve just created your first lakeFS repository!