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Create a Repository

A repository contains all of your objects, including the revision history. You can consider it as the lakeFS analog of a bucket in an object store. Since it has version control qualities, it is also analogous to a repository in Git.

Create the first user

When you first open the lakeFS UI, you will be asked to create an initial admin user.

  1. Open in your web browser.


  2. Follow the steps to create an initial administrator user. Save the credentials you’ve received somewhere safe, you won’t be able to see them again!

    Setup Done

  3. Follow the link and go to the login screen:

    Login Screen

Create the repository

  1. Use the credentials from the previous step to log in as an administrator.

  2. Click Create Repository.

    Create Repository

  3. Fill in the repository name.

  4. Under Storage Namespace, enter local://.

    In this tutorial, the underlying storage for lakeFS is the local disk. Accordingly, the value for Storage Namespace should simply be local://. For a deployment that uses an object store as the underlying storage, this would be a location in the store - for example, s3://example-bucket/prefix.

  5. Click Create Repository.

Next steps

You’ve just created your first lakeFS repository! You can now add some data to it.