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Install lakeFS

Note: The quickstart section is for learning purposes. The installations below will not persist your data. Instead, it will spin-up a database in a docker container, which will be discarded later.

For a production suitable deployment, learn how to deploy lakeFS on your cloud.

Using Docker

To run a local lakeFS instance using Docker:

  1. Ensure that you have Docker installed on your computer.

  2. Run the following command in your terminal:

    docker run --pull always -p 8000:8000 treeverse/lakefs run --local-settings
  3. Check your installation by opening in your web browser.

  4. Create your first repository in lakeFS.

Other methods

You can try lakeFS:

  1. On Kubernetes.
  2. By running the binary directly.

Modifying the local deployment to run against your cloud data

Using AWS S3 Storage

To modify the local deployment, for example, in order to use your local lakeFS against S3 storage (as opposed to the local storage), run the command with local parameters:

docker run --pull always -p 8000:8000 -e LAKEFS_BLOCKSTORE_TYPE='s3' -e AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID='YourAccessKeyValue' -e AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY='YourSecretKeyValue'  treeverse/lakefs run --local-settings

Using Azure Blob Storage

To modify the local deployment in order to use your local lakeFS against Azure Blob Storage (as opposed to the local storage), run the command with local parameters:

docker run --pull always -p 8000:8000 -e LAKEFS_BLOCKSTORE_TYPE='azure' -e LAKEFS_BLOCKSTORE_AZURE_STORAGE_ACCOUNT='YourAzureStorageAccountName' -e LAKEFS_BLOCKSTORE_AZURE_STORAGE_ACCESS_KEY='YourAzureStorageAccessKey' treeverse/lakefs run --local-settings

Using Google Cloud Storage

To modify the local deployment in order to use your local lakeFS against Google Cloud Storage (as opposed to the local storage), run the command with local parameters:

docker run --pull always -p 8000:8000 -e LAKEFS_BLOCKSTORE_TYPE='gs' -e LAKEFS_BLOCKSTORE_GS_CREDENTIALS_JSON='YourGoogleServiceAccountKeyJSON' treeverse/lakefs run --local-settings

where you will replace YourGoogleServiceAccountKeyJSON with JSON string that contains your Google service account key.

If you want to use the JSON file that contains your Google service account key instead of JSON string (as in the previous command) then go to the directory where JSON file is stored and run the command with local parameters:

docker run --pull always -p 8000:8000 -v $PWD:/myfiles -e LAKEFS_BLOCKSTORE_TYPE='gs' -e LAKEFS_BLOCKSTORE_GS_CREDENTIALS_FILE='/myfiles/YourGoogleServiceAccountKey.json' treeverse/lakefs run --local-settings

This command will mount your present working directory (PWD) within the container and will read the JSON file from your PWD.

Note using the --local-settings flag, metadata is being stored locally in the lakeFS container. Therefore, avoid using this flag for production usages.

Follow the video below to quickly spin up a local lakeFS environment.

Next steps

Now that your lakeFS is running, try creating a repository.