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More Quickstart Options

Note: The quickstart section is for learning purposes. The installations below will not persist your data. Instead, it will spin-up a database in a docker container, which will be discarded later.

For a production suitable deployment, learn how to deploy lakeFS on your cloud.

On Kubernetes with Helm

  1. Install lakeFS on a Kubernetes cluster using Helm:
    # Add the lakeFS Helm repository
    helm repo add lakefs
    # Deploy lakeFS with helm release "my-lakefs"
    helm install my-lakefs lakefs/lakefs
  2. The printed output will help you forward a port to lakeFS, so you can access it from your browser at

  3. Move on to create your first repository in lakeFS.

Using the Binary

Alternatively, you may opt to run the lakefs binary directly on your computer.

  1. Download the lakeFS binary for your operating system:

    Download lakefs

  2. Create a configuration file:

      type: local
        path: "~/lakefs/metadata"
      type: "local"
        path: "~/lakefs/data"
  3. Create a local directories to store objects and metadata:

    mkdir -p ~/lakefs/data ~/lakefs/metadata
  4. Run the server:

    ./lakefs --config /path/to/config.yaml run
  5. Check your installation by opening in your web browser.

  6. You are now ready to create your first repository in lakeFS.