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Using lakeFS with Amazon Athena

Amazon Athena is an interactive query service that makes it easy to analyze data in Amazon S3 using standard SQL.

Amazon Athena works directly above S3 and can’t access lakeFS. Tables created using Athena aren’t readable by lakeFS. However, tables stored in lakeFS (that were created with glue/hive) can be queried by Athena.

To support querying data from lakeFS with Amazon Athena, we will use create-symlink, one of the metastore commands in lakectl. create-symlink receives a source table, destination table, and the table location. It performs two actions:

  1. It creates partitioned directories with symlink files in the underlying S3 bucket.
  2. It creates a table in Glue catalog with symlink format type and location pointing to the created symlinks.

Note .lakectl.yaml file should be configured with the proper hive/glue credentials. For more information

create-symlink receives a table in glue or hive pointing to lakeFS and creates a copy of the table in glue. The table data will use the SymlinkTextInputFormat, which will point to the lakeFS repository storage namespace. You will be able to query your data with Athena without copying any data. However, the symlinks table will only show the data that existed during the copy. If the table changed in lakeFS, you need to run create-symlink again for your changed to be reflected in Athena.


Let’s assume that some time ago, we created a hive table my_table that is stored in lakeFS repo example under branch main, using the command:

   `id` bigint, 
   `key` string 
LOCATION 's3://example/main/my_table';
WITH (format = 'PARQUET', external_location 's3a://example/main/my_table' );

The repository example has the S3 storage space s3://my-bucket/my-repo-prefix/. After inserting some data into it, the object structure under lakefs://example/main/my_table looks as follows:


To query that table with Athena, you need to use the create-symlink command as follows:

lakectl metastore create-symlink \
--repo example \
--branch main \
--path my_table \
--from-client-type hive \
--from-schema default \
--from-table my_table \
--to-schema default \ 
--to-table my_table  

The command will generate two notable outputs:

  1. For each partition, the command will create a symlink file:
➜   aws s3 ls s3://my-bucket/my-repo-prefix/my_table/ --recursive
2021-11-23 17:46:29          0 my-repo-prefix/my_table/symlinks/example/main/my_table/year=2021/month=11/symlink.txt
2021-11-23 17:46:29         60 my-repo-prefix/my_table/symlinks/example/main/my_table/year=2021/month=12/symlink.txt
2021-11-23 17:46:30         60 my-repo-prefix/my_table/symlinks/example/main/my_table/year=2022/month=1/symlink.txt

An example content of a symlink file, where each line represents a single object of the specific partition:

  1. A glue table pointing to the symlink directories structure:
aws glue get-table --name my_table --database-name default

  "Table": {
    "Name": "my_table",
    "DatabaseName": "default",
    "Owner": "anonymous",
    "CreateTime": "2021-11-23T17:46:30+02:00",
    "UpdateTime": "2021-11-23T17:46:30+02:00",
    "LastAccessTime": "1970-01-01T02:00:00+02:00",
    "Retention": 0,
    "StorageDescriptor": {
      "Columns": [
          "Name": "id",
          "Type": "bigint",
          "Comment": ""
          "Name": "key",
          "Type": "string",
          "Comment": ""
      "Location": "s3://my-bucket/my-repo-prefix/symlinks/example/main/my_table",
      "InputFormat": "",
      "OutputFormat": "",
      "Compressed": false,
      "NumberOfBuckets": -1,
      "SerdeInfo": {
        "Name": "default",
        "SerializationLibrary": "org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde2.lazy.LazySimpleSerDe",
        "Parameters": {
          "serialization.format": "1"
      "StoredAsSubDirectories": false
    "PartitionKeys": [
        "Name": "year",
        "Type": "int",
        "Comment": ""
        "Name": "month",
        "Type": "int",
        "Comment": ""
    "ViewOriginalText": "",
    "ViewExpandedText": "",
    "TableType": "EXTERNAL_TABLE",
    "Parameters": {
      "EXTERNAL": "TRUE",
      "bucketing_version": "2",
      "transient_lastDdlTime": "1637681750"
    "CreatedBy": "arn:aws:iam::************:user/********",
    "IsRegisteredWithLakeFormation": false,
    "CatalogId": "*********"

You can now safely use Athena to query my_table.