Link Search Menu Expand Document

Commands (CLI) Reference

Table of contents

  1. Installing the lakectl command locally
    1. Configuring credentials and API endpoint
    2. lakectl
    3. lakectl abuse
    4. lakectl abuse commit
    5. lakectl abuse create-branches
    6. lakectl abuse help
    7. lakectl abuse link-same-object
    8. lakectl abuse list
    9. lakectl abuse random-read
    10. lakectl abuse random-write
    11. lakectl actions
    12. lakectl actions help
    13. lakectl actions runs
    14. lakectl actions runs describe
    15. lakectl actions runs help
    16. lakectl actions runs list
    17. lakectl actions validate
    18. lakectl annotate
    19. lakectl auth
    20. lakectl auth groups
    21. lakectl auth groups create
    22. lakectl auth groups delete
    23. lakectl auth groups help
    24. lakectl auth groups list
    25. lakectl auth groups members
    26. lakectl auth groups members add
    27. lakectl auth groups members help
    28. lakectl auth groups members list
    29. lakectl auth groups members remove
    30. lakectl auth groups policies
    31. lakectl auth groups policies attach
    32. lakectl auth groups policies detach
    33. lakectl auth groups policies help
    34. lakectl auth groups policies list
    35. lakectl auth help
    36. lakectl auth policies
    37. lakectl auth policies create
    38. lakectl auth policies delete
    39. lakectl auth policies help
    40. lakectl auth policies list
    41. lakectl auth policies show
    42. lakectl auth users
    43. lakectl auth users create
    44. lakectl auth users credentials
    45. lakectl auth users credentials create
    46. lakectl auth users credentials delete
    47. lakectl auth users credentials help
    48. lakectl auth users credentials list
    49. lakectl auth users delete
    50. lakectl auth users groups
    51. lakectl auth users groups help
    52. lakectl auth users groups list
    53. lakectl auth users help
    54. lakectl auth users list
    55. lakectl auth users policies
    56. lakectl auth users policies attach
    57. lakectl auth users policies detach
    58. lakectl auth users policies help
    59. lakectl auth users policies list
    60. lakectl branch
    61. lakectl branch create
    62. lakectl branch delete
    63. lakectl branch help
    64. lakectl branch list
    65. lakectl branch reset
    66. lakectl branch revert
    67. lakectl branch show
    68. lakectl branch-protect
    69. lakectl branch-protect add
    70. lakectl branch-protect delete
    71. lakectl branch-protect help
    72. lakectl branch-protect list
    73. lakectl cat-hook-output
    74. lakectl cat-sst
    75. lakectl commit
    76. lakectl completion
    77. lakectl config
    78. lakectl dbt
    79. lakectl dbt create-branch-schema
    80. lakectl dbt generate-schema-macro
    81. lakectl dbt help
    82. lakectl diff
    83. lakectl docs
    84. lakectl doctor
    85. lakectl fs
    86. lakectl fs cat
    87. lakectl fs download
    88. lakectl fs help
    89. lakectl fs ls
    90. lakectl fs rm
    91. lakectl fs stage
    92. lakectl fs stat
    93. lakectl fs upload
    94. lakectl gc
    95. lakectl gc delete-config
    96. lakectl gc get-config
    97. lakectl gc help
    98. lakectl gc set-config
    99. lakectl help
    100. lakectl import
    101. lakectl ingest
    102. lakectl log
    103. lakectl merge
    104. lakectl metastore
    105. lakectl metastore copy
    106. lakectl metastore copy-all
    107. lakectl metastore copy-schema
    108. lakectl metastore create-symlink
    109. lakectl metastore diff
    110. lakectl metastore help
    111. lakectl metastore import-all
    112. lakectl refs-dump
    113. lakectl refs-restore
    114. lakectl repo
    115. lakectl repo create
    116. lakectl repo create-bare
    117. lakectl repo delete
    118. lakectl repo help
    119. lakectl repo list
    120. lakectl show
    121. lakectl tag
    122. lakectl tag create
    123. lakectl tag delete
    124. lakectl tag help
    125. lakectl tag list
    126. lakectl tag show

Installing the lakectl command locally

lakectl is distributed as a single binary, with no external dependencies - and is available for MacOS, Windows and Linux.

Download lakectl

Configuring credentials and API endpoint

Once you’ve installed the lakectl command, run:

lakectl config
# output:
# Config file /home/janedoe/.lakectl.yaml will be used
# Secret access key: ****************************************
# Server endpoint URL: http://localhost:8000/api/v1

This will setup a $HOME/.lakectl.yaml file with the credentials and API endpoint you’ve supplied. When setting up a new installation and creating initial credentials (see Quick start), the UI will provide a link to download a preconfigured configuration file for you.

lakectl configuration items can each be controlled by an environment variable. The variable name will have a prefix of LAKECTL_, followed by the name of the configuration, replacing every ‘.’ with a ‘_’. Example: LAKECTL_SERVER_ENDPOINT_URL controls server.endpoint_url.


A cli tool to explore manage and work with lakeFS


lakectl is a CLI tool allowing exploration and manipulation of a lakeFS environment


      --base-uri string      base URI used for lakeFS address parse
  -c, --config string        config file (default is $HOME/.lakectl.yaml)
  -h, --help                 help for lakectl
      --log-format string    set logging output format
      --log-level string     set logging level (default "none")
      --log-output strings   set logging output(s)
      --no-color             don't use fancy output colors (default when not attached to an interactive terminal)
      --verbose              run in verbose mode

note: The base-uri option can be controlled with the LAKECTL_BASE_URI environment variable.

Example usage

$ export LAKECTL_BASE_URI="lakefs://my-repo/my-branch"
# Once set, use relative lakefs uri's:
$ lakectl fs ls /path

lakectl abuse

note: This command is a lakeFS plumbing command. Don’t use it unless you’re really sure you know what you’re doing.

Abuse a running lakeFS instance. See sub commands for more info.


  -h, --help   help for abuse

lakectl abuse commit

Commits to the source ref repeatedly

lakectl abuse commit <source ref uri> [flags]


      --amount int     amount of commits to do (default 100)
      --gap duration   duration to wait between commits (default 2s)
  -h, --help           help for commit

lakectl abuse create-branches

Create a lot of branches very quickly.

lakectl abuse create-branches <source ref uri> [flags]


      --amount int             amount of things to do (default 1000000)
      --branch-prefix string   prefix to create branches under (default "abuse-")
      --clean-only             only clean up past runs
  -h, --help                   help for create-branches
      --parallelism int        amount of things to do in parallel (default 100)

lakectl abuse help

Help about any command


Help provides help for any command in the application. Simply type abuse help [path to command] for full details.

lakectl abuse help [command] [flags]


  -h, --help   help for help

Link the same object in parallel.

lakectl abuse link-same-object <source ref uri> [flags]


      --amount int        amount of link object to do (default 1000000)
  -h, --help              help for link-same-object
      --key string        key used for the test (default "linked-object")
      --parallelism int   amount of link object to do in parallel (default 100)

lakectl abuse list

List from the source ref

lakectl abuse list <source ref uri> [flags]


      --amount int        amount of lists to do (default 1000000)
  -h, --help              help for list
      --parallelism int   amount of lists to do in parallel (default 100)
      --prefix string     prefix to list under (default "abuse/")

lakectl abuse random-read

Read keys from a file and generate random reads from the source ref for those keys.

lakectl abuse random-read <source ref uri> [flags]


      --amount int         amount of reads to do (default 1000000)
      --from-file string   read keys from this file ("-" for stdin)
  -h, --help               help for random-read
      --parallelism int    amount of reads to do in parallel (default 100)

lakectl abuse random-write

Generate random writes to the source branch

lakectl abuse random-write <source branch uri> [flags]


      --amount int        amount of writes to do (default 1000000)
  -h, --help              help for random-write
      --parallelism int   amount of writes to do in parallel (default 100)
      --prefix string     prefix to create paths under (default "abuse/")

lakectl actions

Manage Actions commands


  -h, --help   help for actions

lakectl actions help

Help about any command


Help provides help for any command in the application. Simply type actions help [path to command] for full details.

lakectl actions help [command] [flags]


  -h, --help   help for help

lakectl actions runs

Explore runs information


  -h, --help   help for runs

lakectl actions runs describe

Describe run results


Show information about the run and all the hooks that were executed as part of the run

lakectl actions runs describe [flags]


lakectl actions runs describe lakefs://<repository> <run_id>


      --after string   show results after this value (used for pagination)
      --amount int     number of results to return. By default, all results are returned.
  -h, --help           help for describe

lakectl actions runs help

Help about any command


Help provides help for any command in the application. Simply type runs help [path to command] for full details.

lakectl actions runs help [command] [flags]


  -h, --help   help for help

lakectl actions runs list

List runs


List all runs on a repository optional filter by branch or commit

lakectl actions runs list [flags]


lakectl actions runs list lakefs://<repository> [--branch <branch>] [--commit <commit_id>]


      --after string    show results after this value (used for pagination)
      --amount int      number of results to return (default 100)
      --branch string   show results for specific branch
      --commit string   show results for specific commit ID
  -h, --help            help for list

lakectl actions validate

Validate action file


Tries to parse the input action file as lakeFS action file

lakectl actions validate [flags]


lakectl actions validate <path>


  -h, --help   help for validate

lakectl annotate

List entries under a given path, annotating each with the latest modifying commit

lakectl annotate <path uri> [flags]


  -h, --help        help for annotate
  -r, --recursive   recursively annotate all entries under a given path or prefix

lakectl auth

Manage authentication and authorization


manage authentication and authorization including users, groups and policies


  -h, --help   help for auth

lakectl auth groups

Manage groups


  -h, --help   help for groups

lakectl auth groups create

Create a group

lakectl auth groups create [flags]


  -h, --help        help for create
      --id string   Group identifier

lakectl auth groups delete

Delete a group

lakectl auth groups delete [flags]


  -h, --help        help for delete
      --id string   Group identifier

lakectl auth groups help

Help about any command


Help provides help for any command in the application. Simply type groups help [path to command] for full details.

lakectl auth groups help [command] [flags]


  -h, --help   help for help

lakectl auth groups list

List groups

lakectl auth groups list [flags]


      --amount int     how many results to return (default 100)
      --after string   show results after this value (used for pagination)
  -h, --help           help for list

lakectl auth groups members

Manage group user memberships


  -h, --help   help for members

lakectl auth groups members add

Add a user to a group

lakectl auth groups members add [flags]


  -h, --help          help for add
      --id string     Group identifier
      --user string   Username (email for password-based users, default: current user)

lakectl auth groups members help

Help about any command


Help provides help for any command in the application. Simply type members help [path to command] for full details.

lakectl auth groups members help [command] [flags]


  -h, --help   help for help

lakectl auth groups members list

List users in a group

lakectl auth groups members list [flags]


      --id string      Group identifier
      --amount int     how many results to return (default 100)
      --after string   show results after this value (used for pagination)
  -h, --help           help for list

lakectl auth groups members remove

Remove a user from a group

lakectl auth groups members remove [flags]


  -h, --help          help for remove
      --id string     Group identifier
      --user string   Username (email for password-based users, default: current user)

lakectl auth groups policies

Manage group policies


  -h, --help   help for policies

lakectl auth groups policies attach

Attach a policy to a group

lakectl auth groups policies attach [flags]


  -h, --help            help for attach
      --id string       User identifier
      --policy string   Policy identifier

lakectl auth groups policies detach

Detach a policy from a group

lakectl auth groups policies detach [flags]


  -h, --help            help for detach
      --id string       User identifier
      --policy string   Policy identifier

lakectl auth groups policies help

Help about any command


Help provides help for any command in the application. Simply type policies help [path to command] for full details.

lakectl auth groups policies help [command] [flags]


  -h, --help   help for help

lakectl auth groups policies list

List policies for the given group

lakectl auth groups policies list [flags]


      --id string      Group identifier
      --amount int     how many results to return (default 100)
      --after string   show results after this value (used for pagination)
  -h, --help           help for list

lakectl auth help

Help about any command


Help provides help for any command in the application. Simply type auth help [path to command] for full details.

lakectl auth help [command] [flags]


  -h, --help   help for help

lakectl auth policies

Manage policies


  -h, --help   help for policies

lakectl auth policies create

Create a policy

lakectl auth policies create [flags]


  -h, --help                        help for create
      --id string                   Policy identifier
      --statement-document string   JSON statement document path (or "-" for stdin)

lakectl auth policies delete

Delete a policy

lakectl auth policies delete [flags]


  -h, --help        help for delete
      --id string   Policy identifier

lakectl auth policies help

Help about any command


Help provides help for any command in the application. Simply type policies help [path to command] for full details.

lakectl auth policies help [command] [flags]


  -h, --help   help for help

lakectl auth policies list

List policies

lakectl auth policies list [flags]


      --amount int     how many results to return (default 100)
      --after string   show results after this value (used for pagination)
  -h, --help           help for list

lakectl auth policies show

Show a policy

lakectl auth policies show [flags]


  -h, --help        help for show
      --id string   Policy identifier

lakectl auth users

Manage users


  -h, --help   help for users

lakectl auth users create

Create a user

lakectl auth users create [flags]


  -h, --help        help for create
      --id string   Username

lakectl auth users credentials

Manage user credentials


  -h, --help   help for credentials

lakectl auth users credentials create

Create user credentials

lakectl auth users credentials create [flags]


  -h, --help        help for create
      --id string   Username (email for password-based users, default: current user)

lakectl auth users credentials delete

Delete user credentials

lakectl auth users credentials delete [flags]


      --access-key-id string   Access key ID to delete
  -h, --help                   help for delete
      --id string              Username (email for password-based users, default: current user)

lakectl auth users credentials help

Help about any command


Help provides help for any command in the application. Simply type credentials help [path to command] for full details.

lakectl auth users credentials help [command] [flags]


  -h, --help   help for help

lakectl auth users credentials list

List user credentials

lakectl auth users credentials list [flags]


      --id string      Username (email for password-based users, default: current user)
      --amount int     how many results to return (default 100)
      --after string   show results after this value (used for pagination)
  -h, --help           help for list

lakectl auth users delete

Delete a user

lakectl auth users delete [flags]


  -h, --help        help for delete
      --id string   Username (email for password-based users)

lakectl auth users groups

Manage user groups


  -h, --help   help for groups

lakectl auth users groups help

Help about any command


Help provides help for any command in the application. Simply type groups help [path to command] for full details.

lakectl auth users groups help [command] [flags]


  -h, --help   help for help

lakectl auth users groups list

List groups for the given user

lakectl auth users groups list [flags]


      --id string      Username (email for password-based users)
      --amount int     how many results to return (default 100)
      --after string   show results after this value (used for pagination)
  -h, --help           help for list

lakectl auth users help

Help about any command


Help provides help for any command in the application. Simply type users help [path to command] for full details.

lakectl auth users help [command] [flags]


  -h, --help   help for help

lakectl auth users list

List users

lakectl auth users list [flags]


      --amount int     how many results to return (default 100)
      --after string   show results after this value (used for pagination)
  -h, --help           help for list

lakectl auth users policies

Manage user policies


  -h, --help   help for policies

lakectl auth users policies attach

Attach a policy to a user

lakectl auth users policies attach [flags]


  -h, --help            help for attach
      --id string       Username (email for password-based users)
      --policy string   Policy identifier

lakectl auth users policies detach

Detach a policy from a user

lakectl auth users policies detach [flags]


  -h, --help            help for detach
      --id string       Username (email for password-based users)
      --policy string   Policy identifier

lakectl auth users policies help

Help about any command


Help provides help for any command in the application. Simply type policies help [path to command] for full details.

lakectl auth users policies help [command] [flags]


  -h, --help   help for help

lakectl auth users policies list

List policies for the given user

lakectl auth users policies list [flags]


      --effective      List all distinct policies attached to the user, including by group memberships
      --id string      Username (email for password-based users)
      --amount int     how many results to return (default 100)
      --after string   show results after this value (used for pagination)
  -h, --help           help for list

lakectl branch

Create and manage branches within a repository


Create delete and list branches within a lakeFS repository


  -h, --help   help for branch

lakectl branch create

Create a new branch in a repository

lakectl branch create <branch uri> -s <source ref uri> [flags]


lakectl branch create lakefs://example-repo/new-branch -s lakefs://example-repo/main


  -h, --help            help for create
  -s, --source string   source branch uri

lakectl branch delete

Delete a branch in a repository, along with its uncommitted changes (CAREFUL)

lakectl branch delete <branch uri> [flags]


lakectl branch delete lakefs://example-repo/example-branch


  -h, --help   help for delete
  -y, --yes    Automatically say yes to all confirmations

lakectl branch help

Help about any command


Help provides help for any command in the application. Simply type branch help [path to command] for full details.

lakectl branch help [command] [flags]


  -h, --help   help for help

lakectl branch list

List branches in a repository

lakectl branch list <repository uri> [flags]


lakectl branch list lakefs://<repository>


      --after string   show results after this value (used for pagination)
      --amount int     number of results to return (default 100)
  -h, --help           help for list

lakectl branch reset

Reset uncommitted changes - all of them, or by path


reset changes. There are four different ways to reset changes:

  1. reset all uncommitted changes - reset lakefs://myrepo/main
  2. reset uncommitted changes under specific path - reset lakefs://myrepo/main –prefix path
  3. reset uncommitted changes for specific object - reset lakefs://myrepo/main –object path
lakectl branch reset <branch uri> [--prefix|--object] [flags]


lakectl branch reset lakefs://example-repo/example-branch


  -h, --help            help for reset
      --object string   path to object to be reset
      --prefix string   prefix of the objects to be reset
  -y, --yes             Automatically say yes to all confirmations

lakectl branch revert

Given a commit, record a new commit to reverse the effect of this commit


The commits will be reverted in left-to-right order

lakectl branch revert <branch uri> <commit ref to revert> [<more commits>...] [flags]


lakectl branch revert lakefs://example-repo/example-branch commitA
	          Revert the changes done by commitA in example-branch
		      branch revert lakefs://example-repo/example-branch HEAD~1 HEAD~2 HEAD~3
		      Revert the changes done by the second last commit to the fourth last commit in example-branch


  -h, --help                help for revert
  -m, --parent-number int   the parent number (starting from 1) of the mainline. The revert will reverse the change relative to the specified parent.
  -y, --yes                 Automatically say yes to all confirmations

lakectl branch show

Show branch latest commit reference

lakectl branch show <branch uri> [flags]


lakectl branch show lakefs://example-repo/example-branch


  -h, --help   help for show

lakectl branch-protect

Create and manage branch protection rules


Define branch protection rules to prevent direct changes. Changes to protected branches can only be done by merging from other branches.


  -h, --help   help for branch-protect

lakectl branch-protect add

Add a branch protection rule


Add a branch protection rule for a given branch name pattern

lakectl branch-protect add <repo uri> <pattern> [flags]


lakectl branch-protect add lakefs://<repository> 'stable_*'


  -h, --help   help for add

lakectl branch-protect delete

Delete a branch protection rule


Delete a branch protection rule for a given branch name pattern

lakectl branch-protect delete <repo uri> <pattern> [flags]


lakectl branch-protect delete lakefs://<repository> stable_*


  -h, --help   help for delete

lakectl branch-protect help

Help about any command


Help provides help for any command in the application. Simply type branch-protect help [path to command] for full details.

lakectl branch-protect help [command] [flags]


  -h, --help   help for help

lakectl branch-protect list

List all branch protection rules

lakectl branch-protect list <repo uri> [flags]


lakectl branch-protect list lakefs://<repository>


  -h, --help   help for list

lakectl cat-hook-output

note: This command is a lakeFS plumbing command. Don’t use it unless you’re really sure you know what you’re doing.

Cat actions hook output

lakectl cat-hook-output [flags]


lakectl cat-hook-output lakefs://<repository> <run_id> <run_hook_id>


  -h, --help   help for cat-hook-output

lakectl cat-sst

note: This command is a lakeFS plumbing command. Don’t use it unless you’re really sure you know what you’re doing.

Explore lakeFS .sst files

lakectl cat-sst <sst-file> [flags]


      --amount int    how many records to return, or -1 for all records (default -1)
  -f, --file string   path to an sstable file, or "-" for stdin
  -h, --help          help for cat-sst

lakectl commit

Commit changes on a given branch

lakectl commit <branch uri> [flags]


      --allow-empty-message   allow an empty commit message
  -h, --help                  help for commit
  -m, --message string        commit message
      --meta strings          key value pair in the form of key=value

lakectl completion

Generate completion script


To load completions:


$ source <(lakectl completion bash)

To load completions for each session, execute once: Linux:

$ lakectl completion bash > /etc/bash_completion.d/lakectl


$ lakectl completion bash > /usr/local/etc/bash_completion.d/lakectl


If shell completion is not already enabled in your environment you will need to enable it. You can execute the following once:

$ echo "autoload -U compinit; compinit" >> ~/.zshrc

To load completions for each session, execute once:

$ lakectl completion zsh > "${fpath[1]}/_lakectl"

You will need to start a new shell for this setup to take effect.


$ lakectl completion fish | source

To load completions for each session, execute once:

$ lakectl completion fish > ~/.config/fish/completions/
lakectl completion <bash|zsh|fish>


  -h, --help   help for completion

lakectl config

Create/update local lakeFS configuration

lakectl config [flags]


  -h, --help   help for config

lakectl dbt

Integration with dbt commands


  -h, --help   help for dbt

lakectl dbt create-branch-schema

Creates a new schema dedicated for branch and clones all dbt models to new schema

lakectl dbt create-branch-schema [flags]


lakectl dbt create-branch-schema --branch <branch-name>


      --branch string               requested branch
      --continue-on-error           prevent command from failing when a single table fails
      --continue-on-schema-exists   allow running on existing schema
      --create-branch               create a new branch for the schema
      --dbfs-location string        
  -h, --help                        help for create-branch-schema
      --project-root string         location of dbt project (default ".")
      --to-schema string            destination schema name [default is branch]

lakectl dbt generate-schema-macro

generates the a macro allowing lakectl to run dbt on dynamic schemas

lakectl dbt generate-schema-macro [flags]


lakectl dbt generate-schema-macro


  -h, --help                  help for generate-schema-macro
      --project-root string   location of dbt project (default ".")

lakectl dbt help

Help about any command


Help provides help for any command in the application. Simply type dbt help [path to command] for full details.

lakectl dbt help [command] [flags]


  -h, --help   help for help

lakectl diff

Show changes between two commits, or the currently uncommitted changes

lakectl diff <ref uri> [ref uri] [flags]


	lakectl diff lakefs://example-repo/example-branch
	Show uncommitted changes in example-branch.

	lakectl diff lakefs://example-repo/main lakefs://example-repo/dev
	This shows the differences between master and dev starting at the last common commit.
	This is similar to the three-dot (...) syntax in git.
	Uncommitted changes are not shown.

	lakectl diff --two-way lakefs://example-repo/main lakefs://example-repo/dev
	Show changes between the tips of the main and dev branches.
	This is similar to the two-dot (..) syntax in git.
	Uncommitted changes are not shown.

	lakectl diff --two-way lakefs://example-repo/main lakefs://example-repo/dev$
	Show changes between the tip of the main and the dev branch, including uncommitted changes on dev.


  -h, --help      help for diff
      --two-way   Use two-way diff: show difference between the given refs, regardless of a common ancestor.

lakectl docs

note: This command is a lakeFS plumbing command. Don’t use it unless you’re really sure you know what you’re doing.

lakectl docs [outfile] [flags]


  -h, --help   help for docs

lakectl doctor

Run a basic diagnosis of the LakeFS configuration

lakectl doctor [flags]


  -h, --help   help for doctor

lakectl fs

View and manipulate objects


  -h, --help   help for fs

lakectl fs cat

Dump content of object to stdout

lakectl fs cat <path uri> [flags]


  -d, --direct   read directly from backing store (faster but requires more credentials)
  -h, --help     help for cat

lakectl fs download

Download object(s) from a given repository path

lakectl fs download <path uri> [<destination path>] [flags]


  -d, --direct         read directly from backing store (requires credentials)
  -h, --help           help for download
  -p, --parallel int   max concurrent downloads (default 6)
  -r, --recursive      recursively all objects under path

lakectl fs help

Help about any command


Help provides help for any command in the application. Simply type fs help [path to command] for full details.

lakectl fs help [command] [flags]


  -h, --help   help for help

lakectl fs ls

List entries under a given tree

lakectl fs ls <path uri> [flags]


  -h, --help        help for ls
      --recursive   list all objects under the specified prefix

lakectl fs rm

Delete object

lakectl fs rm <path uri> [flags]


  -C, --concurrency int   max concurrent single delete operations to send to the lakeFS server (default 50)
  -h, --help              help for rm
  -r, --recursive         recursively delete all objects under the specified path

lakectl fs stage

note: This command is a lakeFS plumbing command. Don’t use it unless you’re really sure you know what you’re doing.

Stage a reference to an existing object, to be managed in lakeFS

lakectl fs stage <path uri> [flags]


      --checksum string       Object MD5 checksum as a hexadecimal string
      --content-type string   MIME type of contents
  -h, --help                  help for stage
      --location string       fully qualified storage location (i.e. "s3://bucket/path/to/object")
      --meta strings          key value pairs in the form of key=value
      --mtime int             Object modified time (Unix Epoch in seconds). Defaults to current time
      --size int              Object size in bytes

lakectl fs stat

View object metadata

lakectl fs stat <path uri> [flags]


  -h, --help   help for stat

lakectl fs upload

Upload a local file to the specified URI

lakectl fs upload <path uri> [flags]


      --content-type string   MIME type of contents
  -d, --direct                write directly to backing store (faster but requires more credentials)
  -h, --help                  help for upload
  -r, --recursive             recursively copy all files under local source
  -s, --source string         local file to upload, or "-" for stdin

lakectl gc

Manage the garbage collection policy


  -h, --help   help for gc

lakectl gc delete-config

Deletes the garbage collection policy for the repository

lakectl gc delete-config [flags]


lakectl gc delete-config <repository uri>


  -h, --help   help for delete-config

lakectl gc get-config

Show the garbage collection policy for this repository

lakectl gc get-config [flags]


lakectl gc get-config <repository uri>


  -h, --help   help for get-config
  -p, --json   get rules as JSON

lakectl gc help

Help about any command


Help provides help for any command in the application. Simply type gc help [path to command] for full details.

lakectl gc help [command] [flags]


  -h, --help   help for help

lakectl gc set-config

Set garbage collection policy JSON


Sets the garbage collection policy JSON. Example configuration file: { “default_retention_days”: 21, “branches”: [ { “branch_id”: “main”, “retention_days”: 28 }, { “branch_id”: “dev”, “retention_days”: 14 } ] }

lakectl gc set-config [flags]


lakectl gc set-config <repository uri> -f config.json


  -f, --filename string   file containing the GC policy as JSON
  -h, --help              help for set-config

lakectl help

Help about any command


Help provides help for any command in the application. Simply type lakectl help [path to command] for full details.

lakectl help [command] [flags]


  -h, --help   help for help

lakectl import

Import data from external source to an imported branch (with optional merge)

lakectl import --from <object store URI> --to <lakeFS path URI> [--merge] [flags]


      --from string      prefix to read from (e.g. "s3://bucket/sub/path/"). must not be in a storage namespace
  -h, --help             help for import
      --merge            merge imported branch into target branch
  -m, --message string   commit message (default "Import objects")
      --meta strings     key value pair in the form of key=value
      --no-progress      switch off the progress output
      --to string        lakeFS path to load objects into (e.g. "lakefs://repo/branch/sub/path/")

lakectl ingest

Ingest objects from an external source into a lakeFS branch (without actually copying them)

lakectl ingest --from <object store URI> --to <lakeFS path URI> [--dry-run] [flags]


  -C, --concurrency int          max concurrent API calls to make to the lakeFS server (default 64)
      --dry-run                  only print the paths to be ingested
      --from string              prefix to read from (e.g. "s3://bucket/sub/path/"). must not be in a storage namespace
  -h, --help                     help for ingest
      --s3-endpoint-url string   URL to access S3 storage API (by default, use regular AWS S3 endpoint
      --to string                lakeFS path to load objects into (e.g. "lakefs://repo/branch/sub/path/")
  -v, --verbose                  print stats for each individual object staged

lakectl log

Show log of commits


Show log of commits for a given branch

lakectl log <branch uri> [flags]


      --after string         show results after this value (used for pagination)
      --amount int           number of results to return. By default, all results are returned
  -h, --help                 help for log
      --limit                limit result just to amount. By default, returns whether more items are available.
      --objects strings      show results that contains changes to at least one path in that list of objects. Use comma separator to pass all objects together
      --prefixes strings     show results that contains changes to at least one path in that list of prefixes. Use comma separator to pass all prefixes together
      --show-meta-range-id   also show meta range ID

lakectl merge

Merge & commit changes from source branch into destination branch


Merge & commit changes from source branch into destination branch

lakectl merge <source ref> <destination ref> [flags]


  -h, --help              help for merge
      --strategy string   In case of a merge conflict, this option will force the merge process to automatically favor changes from the dest branch ("dest-wins") or from the source branch("source-wins"). In case no selection is made, the merge process will fail in case of a conflict

lakectl metastore

Manage metastore commands


  -h, --help   help for metastore

lakectl metastore copy

Copy or merge table


Copy or merge table. the destination table will point to the selected branch

lakectl metastore copy [flags]


      --catalog-id string         Glue catalog ID
      --dbfs-root dbfs:/          dbfs location root will replace dbfs:/ in the location before transforming
      --from-client-type string   metastore type [hive, glue]
      --from-schema string        source schema name
      --from-table string         source table name
  -h, --help                      help for copy
      --metastore-uri string      Hive metastore URI
  -p, --partition strings         partition to copy
      --serde string              serde to set copy to  [default is  to-table]
      --to-branch string          lakeFS branch name
      --to-client-type string     metastore type [hive, glue]
      --to-schema string          destination schema name [default is from-branch]
      --to-table string           destination table name [default is  from-table] 

lakectl metastore copy-all

Copy from one metastore to another


copy or merge requested tables between hive metastores. the destination tables will point to the selected branch

lakectl metastore copy-all [flags]


      --branch string             lakeFS branch name
      --continue-on-error         prevent copy-all from failing when a single table fails
      --dbfs-root dbfs:/          dbfs location root will replace dbfs:/ in the location before transforming
      --from-address string       source metastore address
      --from-client-type string   metastore type [hive, glue]
  -h, --help                      help for copy-all
      --schema-filter string      filter for schemas to copy in metastore pattern (default ".*")
      --table-filter string       filter for tables to copy in metastore pattern (default ".*")
      --to-address string         destination metastore address
      --to-client-type string     metastore type [hive, glue]

lakectl metastore copy-schema

Copy schema


Copy schema (without tables). the destination schema will point to the selected branch

lakectl metastore copy-schema [flags]


      --catalog-id string         Glue catalog ID
      --dbfs-root dbfs:/          dbfs location root will replace dbfs:/ in the location before transforming
      --from-client-type string   metastore type [hive, glue]
      --from-schema string        source schema name
  -h, --help                      help for copy-schema
      --metastore-uri string      Hive metastore URI
      --to-branch string          lakeFS branch name
      --to-client-type string     metastore type [hive, glue]
      --to-schema string          destination schema name [default is from-branch]

Create symlink table and data


create table with symlinks, and create the symlinks in s3 in order to access from external services that could only access s3 directly (e.g athena)

lakectl metastore create-symlink [flags]


      --branch string             lakeFS branch name
      --catalog-id string         Glue catalog ID
      --from-client-type string   metastore type [hive, glue]
      --from-schema string        source schema name
      --from-table string         source table name
  -h, --help                      help for create-symlink
      --path string               path to table on lakeFS
      --repo string               lakeFS repository name
      --to-schema string          destination schema name
      --to-table string           destination table name

lakectl metastore diff

Show column and partition differences between two tables

lakectl metastore diff [flags]


      --catalog-id string         Glue catalog ID
      --from-address string       source metastore address
      --from-client-type string   metastore type [hive, glue]
      --from-schema string        source schema name
      --from-table string         source table name
  -h, --help                      help for diff
      --metastore-uri string      Hive metastore URI
      --to-address string         destination metastore address
      --to-client-type string     metastore type [hive, glue]
      --to-schema string          destination schema name 
      --to-table string           destination table name [default is from-table]

lakectl metastore help

Help about any command


Help provides help for any command in the application. Simply type metastore help [path to command] for full details.

lakectl metastore help [command] [flags]


  -h, --help   help for help

lakectl metastore import-all

Import from one metastore to another


import requested tables between hive metastores. the destination tables will point to the selected repository and branch table with location s3://my-s3-bucket/path/to/table will be transformed to location s3://repo-param/bucket-param/path/to/table

lakectl metastore import-all [flags]


      --branch string             lakeFS branch name
      --continue-on-error         prevent import-all from failing when a single table fails
      --dbfs-root dbfs:/          dbfs location root will replace dbfs:/ in the location before transforming
      --from-address string       source metastore address
      --from-client-type string   metastore type [hive, glue]
  -h, --help                      help for import-all
      --repo string               lakeFS repo name
      --schema-filter string      filter for schemas to copy in metastore pattern (default ".*")
      --table-filter string       filter for tables to copy in metastore pattern (default ".*")
      --to-address string         destination metastore address
      --to-client-type string     metastore type [hive, glue]

lakectl refs-dump

note: This command is a lakeFS plumbing command. Don’t use it unless you’re really sure you know what you’re doing.

Dumps refs (branches, commits, tags) to the underlying object store

lakectl refs-dump <repository uri> [flags]


  -h, --help   help for refs-dump

lakectl refs-restore

note: This command is a lakeFS plumbing command. Don’t use it unless you’re really sure you know what you’re doing.

Restores refs (branches, commits, tags) from the underlying object store to a bare repository


restores refs (branches, commits, tags) from the underlying object store to a bare repository.

This command is expected to run on a bare repository (i.e. one created with ‘lakectl repo create-bare’). Since a bare repo is expected, in case of transient failure, delete the repository and recreate it as bare and retry.

lakectl refs-restore <repository uri> [flags]


aws s3 cp s3://bucket/_lakefs/refs_manifest.json - | lakectl refs-restore lakefs://my-bare-repository --manifest -


  -h, --help                 help for refs-restore
      --manifest refs-dump   path to a refs manifest json file (as generated by refs-dump). Alternatively, use "-" to read from stdin

lakectl repo

Manage and explore repos


  -h, --help   help for repo

lakectl repo create

Create a new repository

lakectl repo create <repository uri> <storage namespace> [flags]


lakectl repo create lakefs://some-repo-name s3://some-bucket-name


  -d, --default-branch string   the default branch of this repository (default "main")
  -h, --help                    help for create

lakectl repo create-bare

note: This command is a lakeFS plumbing command. Don’t use it unless you’re really sure you know what you’re doing.

Create a new repository with no initial branch or commit

lakectl repo create-bare <repository uri> <storage namespace> [flags]


lakectl create-bare lakefs://some-repo-name s3://some-bucket-name


  -d, --default-branch string   the default branch name of this repository (will not be created) (default "main")
  -h, --help                    help for create-bare

lakectl repo delete

Delete existing repository

lakectl repo delete <repository uri> [flags]


  -h, --help   help for delete
  -y, --yes    Automatically say yes to all confirmations

lakectl repo help

Help about any command


Help provides help for any command in the application. Simply type repo help [path to command] for full details.

lakectl repo help [command] [flags]


  -h, --help   help for help

lakectl repo list

List repositories

lakectl repo list [flags]


      --after string   show results after this value (used for pagination)
      --amount int     number of results to return (default 100)
  -h, --help           help for list

lakectl show

See detailed information about an entity by ID (commit, user, etc)

lakectl show <repository uri> [flags]


      --commit string        commit ID to show
  -h, --help                 help for show
      --show-meta-range-id   when showing commits, also show meta range ID

lakectl tag

Create and manage tags within a repository


Create delete and list tags within a lakeFS repository


  -h, --help   help for tag

lakectl tag create

Create a new tag in a repository

lakectl tag create <tag uri> <commit uri> [flags]


lakectl tag create lakefs://example-repo/example-tag lakefs://example-repo/2397cc9a9d04c20a4e5739b42c1dd3d8ba655c0b3a3b974850895a13d8bf9917


  -f, --force   override the tag if it exists
  -h, --help    help for create

lakectl tag delete

Delete a tag from a repository

lakectl tag delete <tag uri> [flags]


  -h, --help   help for delete

lakectl tag help

Help about any command


Help provides help for any command in the application. Simply type tag help [path to command] for full details.

lakectl tag help [command] [flags]


  -h, --help   help for help

lakectl tag list

List tags in a repository

lakectl tag list <repository uri> [flags]


lakectl tag list lakefs://<repository>


      --after string   show results after this value (used for pagination)
      --amount int     number of results to return (default 100)
  -h, --help           help for list

lakectl tag show

Show tag’s commit reference

lakectl tag show <tag uri> [flags]


  -h, --help   help for show