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Using lakeFS with Kubeflow pipelines

Kubeflow is a project dedicated to making deployments of ML workflows on Kubernetes simple, portable and scalable. A Kubeflow pipeline is a portable and scalable definition of an ML workflow composed of steps. Each step in the pipeline is an instance of a component represented as an instance of ContainerOp.

Add pipeline steps for lakeFS operations

To integrate lakeFS onto your Kubeflow pipeline, we will need to create Kubeflow components that perform lakeFS operations. Currently, there are two methods to create lakeFS ContainerOps:

  1. Implement a function-based ContainerOp that uses lakeFS’s Python API to invoke lakeFS operations.
  2. Implement a ContainerOp that uses the lakectl CLI docker image to invoke lakeFS operations.

Function-based ContainerOps

To implement a function-based component that invokes lakeFS operations, you should use the Python OpenAPI client lakeFS has. See the example below that demonstrates how to make the client’s package available to your ContainerOp.

Example operations

Create new branch: A function-based ContainerOp that creates a branch called example-branch based on the main branch of example-repo.

from kfp import components

def create_branch(repo_name, branch_name, source_branch):
   import lakefs_client
   from lakefs_client import models
   from lakefs_client.client import LakeFSClient

   # lakeFS credentials and endpoint
   configuration = lakefs_client.Configuration()
   configuration.username = 'AKIAIOSFODNN7EXAMPLE'
   configuration.password = 'wJalrXUtnFEMI/K7MDENG/bPxRfiCYEXAMPLEKEY' = ''
   client = LakeFSClient(configuration)

   client.branches.create_branch(repository=repo_name, branch_creation=models.BranchCreation(name=branch_name, source=source_branch))

# Convert the function to a lakeFS pipeline step.
create_branch_op = components.func_to_container_op(
   packages_to_install=['lakefs_client==<lakeFS version>']) # Type in the lakeFS version you are using

You can invoke any lakeFS operation supported by lakeFS OpenAPI, for example, you could implement a commit and merge function-based ContainerOps. Check out the full API reference.

Non-function-based ContainerOps

To implement a non-function based ContainerOp, you should use the treeverse/lakectl docker image. With this image you can run lakeFS CLI commands to execute the desired lakeFS operation.

For lakectl to work with Kubeflow, you will need to pass your lakeFS configurations as environment variables named:


Example operations

  1. Commit changes to a branch: A ContainerOp that commits uncommitted changes to example-branch on example-repo.

    from kubernetes.client.models import V1EnvVar
    def commit_op():
       return dsl.ContainerOp(
       arguments=['commit', 'lakefs://example-repo/example-branch', '-m', 'commit message']).add_env_variable(V1EnvVar(name='LAKECTL_CREDENTIALS_ACCESS_KEY_ID',value='AKIAIOSFODNN7EXAMPLE')).add_env_variable(V1EnvVar(name='LAKECTL_CREDENTIALS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY',value='wJalrXUtnFEMI/K7MDENG/bPxRfiCYEXAMPLEKEY')).add_env_variable(V1EnvVar(name='LAKECTL_SERVER_ENDPOINT_URL',value=''))
  2. Merge two lakeFS branches: A ContainerOp that merges example-branch into the main branch of example-repo.

    def merge_op():
      return dsl.ContainerOp(
      arguments=['merge', 'lakefs://example-repo/example-branch', 'lakefs://example-repo/main']).add_env_variable(V1EnvVar(name='LAKECTL_CREDENTIALS_ACCESS_KEY_ID',value='AKIAIOSFODNN7EXAMPLE')).add_env_variable(V1EnvVar(name='LAKECTL_CREDENTIALS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY',value='wJalrXUtnFEMI/K7MDENG/bPxRfiCYEXAMPLEKEY')).add_env_variable(V1EnvVar(name='LAKECTL_SERVER_ENDPOINT_URL',value=''))

You can invoke any lakeFS operation supported by lakectl by implementing it as a ContainerOp. Check out the complete CLI reference for the list of supported operations.

Note The lakeFS Kubeflow integration that uses lakectl is supported on lakeFS version >= v0.43.0.

Add the lakeFS steps to your pipeline

Add the steps created on the previous step to your pipeline before compiling it.

Example pipeline

A pipeline that implements a simple ETL, that has steps for branch creation and commits.

def lakectl_pipeline():
   create_branch_task = create_branch_op('example-repo', 'example-branch', 'main') # A function-based component
   extract_task = example_extract_op()
   commit_task = commit_op()
   transform_task = example_transform_op()
   commit_task = commit_op()
   load_task = example_load_op()

Note It is recommended to store credentials as kubernetes secrets and pass them as environment variables to Kubeflow operations using V1EnvVarSource.