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Glue / Hive Metastore Intro

This part contains a brief explanation about how Glue/Hive metastore work with lakeFS

Glue and Hive Metastore stores metadata related to Hive and other services (such as Spark and Trino). They contain metadata such as the location of the table, information about columns, partitions and many more.

Without lakeFS

In order to query the table my_table, Spark will:

  • Request the metadata from Hive metastore (steps 1,2)
  • Use the location from the metadata to access the data in S3 (steps 3,4). metastore with S3

With lakeFS

When using lakeFS, the flow stays exactly the same. Note that the location of the table my_table now contains the branch s3://example/main/path/to/table metastore with S3

Managing Tables With lakeFS Branches


When creating a table in Glue/Hive metastore (using a client such as Spark, Hive, Presto), we specify the table location. Consider the table my_table which was created with the location s3://example/main/path/to/table.

Assume we created a new branch called DEV with main as the source branch. The data from s3://example/main/path/to/table is now accessible in s3://example/DEV/path/to/table. The metadata is not managed in lakeFS, meaning we don’t have any table pointing to s3://example/DEV/path/to/table.

To address this, lakeFS introduces lakectl metastore commands. The case above could be handled using the copy command: it can create a copy of my_table with data located in s3://example/DEV/path/to/table. Note that this is a fast, metadata-only operation.


The lakectl metastore commands could run on Glue or Hive metastore.
Add the following to the lakectl configuration file (by default ~/.lakectl.yaml):


  type: hive
    uri: thrift://hive-metastore:9083


  type: glue
    catalog-id: 123456789012
    region: us-east-1
    profile: default # optional, implies using a credentials file
      access_key_id: AKIAIOSFODNN7EXAMPLE
      secret_access_key: wJalrXUtnFEMI/K7MDENG/bPxRfiCYEXAMPLEKEY

Notice: It’s recommended to set type and catalog-id/metastore-uri in the lakectl configuration file.

Suggested Model

For simplicity, we recommend creating a schema for each branch, this way you can use the same table name across different schemas.

For example: after creating branch example_branch also create a schema named example_branch. For a table named my_table under the schema main, create a new table by the same name under the schema example_branch. You now have two my_tables, one in the main schema and one, in the branch schema.


Metastore tools support three commands: copy, diff and create-symlink. copy and diff could work both on Glue and on Hive. create-symlink works only on Glue.

Notice: If to-schema or to-table are not specified, the destination branch and source table names will be used as per the suggested model.

Notice: Metastore commands can only run on tables located in lakeFS, you should not use tables that are not located in lakeFS.


The copy command creates a copy of a table pointing to the defined branch. In case the destination table already exists, the command will only merge the changes.


Suppose we created the table inventory on branch main on schema default.

        `inv_item_sk` int,
        `inv_warehouse_sk` int,
        `inv_quantity_on_hand` int)
        `inv_date_sk` int) STORED AS ORC

We create a new lakeFS branch example_branch:

lakectl branch create lakefs://my_repo/example_branch --source lakefs://my_repo/main

The data from s3://my_repo/main/path/to/table is now accessible in s3://my_repo/DEV/path/to/table. In order to query the data in s3://my_repo/DEV/path/to/table we would like to create a copy of the table inventory in schema example_branch pointing to the new branch.

lakectl metastore copy --from-schema default --from-table inventory --to-schema example_branch --to-table inventory --to-branch example_branch

After running this command, query the table example_branch.inventory to get the data from s3://my_repo/DEV/path/to/table

Copy Partition

After adding a partition to the branch table, we may want to copy the partition to the main table. For example, for the new partition 2020-08-01, run the following in order to copy the partition to the main table:

lakectl metastore copy --type hive --from-schema example_branch --from-table inventory --to-schema default --to-table inventory --to-branch main -p 2020-08-01

For a table partitioned by more than one column, specify the partition flag for every column. For example for the partition (year='2020',month='08',day='01'):

lakectl metastore copy --from-schema example_branch --from-table branch_inventory --to-schema default --to-branch main -p 2020 -p 08 -p 01


Provides a 2-way diff between two tables. Shows added+ , removed- and changed~ partitions and columns.


Suppose that we made some changes on the copied table inventory on schema example_branch and we want to view the changes before merging back to inventory on schema default.


lakectl metastore diff --type hive --address thrift://hive-metastore:9083 --from-schema example_branch --from-table branch --to-schema default --to-table inventory

The output will be something like:

Columns are identical
- 2020-07-04
+ 2020-07-05
+ 2020-07-06
~ 2020-07-08

Athena with lakeFS branches

Athena doesn’t support configuring the endpoint-uri. to use S3-compatible services like lakeFS. Hence, Athena can’t access lakeFS, and can only be used with AWS S3 as the storage.

In order to enable accessing partitioned data we could use the create-symlink command. create-symlink receives a source table, destination table and the location of the table and does two actions:

  1. Creates partitioned directories with symlink files in the underlying S3 bucket.
  2. Creates a table in Glue catalog with symlink format type and location pointing to the created symlinks.

Notice: create-symlink source table must point to a location in lakeFS.


Let’s assume we have the table inventory in Glue. The table is pointing to repo example-repo branch main and the data is located at path/to/table/in/lakeFS

We want to query the table using Athena. To do this, we run the command:

lakectl metastore create-symlink --address 123456789012 --branch main --from-schema default --from-table branch_inventory --to-schema default --to-table sym_inventory --repo example-repository --path path/to/table/in/lakeFS

We can now use Amazon Athena to query the created table sym_inventory.