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Deploy lakeFS on AWS

Expected deployment time: 25min


Users that require S3 access using virtual host addressing should configure an S3 Gateway domain.

Creating the Database on AWS RDS

lakeFS requires a PostgreSQL database to synchronize actions on your repositories. We will show you how to create a database on AWS RDS, but you can use any PostgreSQL database as long as it’s accessible by your lakeFS installation.

If you already have a database, take note of the connection string and skip to the next step

  1. Follow the official AWS documentation on how to create a PostgreSQL instance and connect to it. You may use the default PostgreSQL engine, or Aurora PostgreSQL. Make sure you’re using PostgreSQL version >= 11.
  2. Once your RDS is set up and the server is in Available state, take note of the endpoint and port.

    RDS Connection String

  3. Make sure your security group rules allow you to connect to the database instance.

Installation Options

On EC2

  1. Save the following configuration file as config.yaml:

      connection_string: "[DATABASE_CONNECTION_STRING]"
        # replace this with a randomly-generated string:
        secret_key: "[ENCRYPTION_SECRET_KEY]"
      type: s3
        region: us-east-1
  2. Download the binary to the EC2 instance.
  3. Run the lakefs binary on the EC2 instance:
    lakefs --config config.yaml run

    Note: it is preferable to run the binary as a service using systemd or your operating system’s facilities.


To support container-based environments like AWS ECS, lakeFS can be configured using environment variables. Here is a docker run command to demonstrate starting lakeFS using Docker:

docker run \
  --name lakefs \
  -p 8000:8000 \
  treeverse/lakefs:latest run

See the reference for a complete list of environment variables.


See Kubernetes Deployment.

Load balancing

Depending on how you chose to install lakeFS, you should have a load balancer direct requests to the lakeFS server.
By default, lakeFS operates on port 8000, and exposes a /_health endpoint which you can use for health checks.

Notes for using an AWS Application Load Balancer

  1. Your security groups should allow the load balancer to access the lakeFS server.
  2. Create a target group with a listener for port 8000.
  3. Setup TLS termination using the domain names you wish to use (e.g. and potentially, * if using virtual-host addressing).
  4. Configure the health-check to use the exposed /_health URL

Next Steps

Your next step is to prepare your storage. If you already have a storage bucket/container, you are ready to create your first lakeFS repository.