User Authentication
lakeFS authenticates users from a built-in authentication database.
Built-in database
The built-in authentication database is always present and active. You can use the
Web UI at Administration / Users to create users. Users have an access key
and an associated secret access key. These credentials are valid
for logging into the Web UI or authenticating programmatic requests to the API
Server or the S3 Gateway.
Remote Authenticator Service
lakeFS server supports external authentication, the feature can be configured by providing an HTTP endpoint to an external authentication service. This integration can be especially useful if you already have an existing authentication system in place, as it allows you to reuse that system instead of maintaining a new one. To configure a Remote Authenticator see the configuration fields.
API Server Authentication
Authenticating against the API server is done using a key-pair, passed via Basic Access Authentication.
All HTTP requests must carry an Authorization
header with the following structure:
Authorization: Basic <base64 encoded access_key_id:secret_access_key>
For example, assuming my access_key_id is my_access_key_id
and my secret_access_key is my_secret_access_key
, we’d send the following header with every request:
Authorization: Basic bXlfYWNjZXNzX2tleV9pZDpteV9zZWNyZXRfYWNjZXNzX2tleQ==
S3 Gateway Authentication
To provide API compatibility with Amazon S3, authentication with the S3 Gateway supports both SIGv2 and SIGv4. Clients such as the AWS SDK that implement these authentication methods should work without modification.
See this example for authenticating with the AWS CLI.
OIDC support
Note This feature is deprecated. For single sign-on with lakeFS, try lakeFS Cloud
OpenID Connect (OIDC) is a simple identity layer on top of the OAuth 2.0 protocol. You can configure lakeFS to enable OIDC to manage your lakeFS users externally. Essentially, once configured, this enables you the benefit of OpenID connect, such as a single sign-on (SSO), etc.
Configuring lakeFS server for OIDC
To support OIDC, add the following to your lakeFS configuration:
enabled: true
client_id: example-client-id
client_secret: exampleSecretValue
callback_base_url: # The scheme, domain (and port) of your lakeFS installation
default_initial_groups: ["Developers"]
friendly_name_claim_name: name # Optional: use the value from this claim as the user's display name
persist_friendly_name: true # Optional: persist friendly name to KV store so it can be displayed in the user list
Your login page will now include a link to sign in using the OIDC provider. When a user first logs in through the provider, a corresponding user is created in lakeFS.
Friendly Name Persistence
When the persist_friendly_name
configuration property is set to true
and friendly_name_claim_name
is set to a valid claim name, which exists in the incoming id_token
, the friendly name will be persisted to the KV store. This will allow users with access to the lakeFS administration section to see friendly names in the users list, when listing group members, and when adding/removing group members.
The friendly name stored in KV is updated with each successful login, if the incoming value is different than the stored value. This means it will be kept up-to-date with changes to the user’s profile or if friendly_name_claim_name
is re-configured.
- As always, you may choose to provide these configurations using environment variables.
- You may already have other configuration values under the auth key, so make sure you combine them correctly.
User permissions
Authorization is managed via lakeFS groups and policies.
By default, an externally managed user is assigned to the lakeFS groups configured in the default_initial_groups property above. For a user to be assigned to other groups, add the initial_groups claim to their ID token claims. The claim should contain a comma-separated list of group names.
Once the user has been created, you can manage their permissions from the Administration pages in the lakeFS UI or using lakectl.
Using a different claim name
To supply the initial groups using another claim from your ID token, you can use the auth.oidc.initial_groups_claim_name
lakeFS configuration. For example, to take the initial groups from the roles claim, add:
# ... Other OIDC configurations
initial_groups_claim_name: roles