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lakeFS Spark Metadata Client

Utilize the power of Spark to interact with the metadata on lakeFS. Possible use cases include:

  • Creating a DataFrame for listing the objects in a specific commit or branch.
  • Computing changes between two commits.
  • Exporting your data for consumption outside lakeFS.
  • Bulk operations on the underlying storage.

Getting Started

Please note that Spark 2 is no longer supported with the lakeFS metadata client.

The Spark metadata client is compiled for Spark 3.1.2 with Hadoop 3.2.1, but can work for other Spark versions and higher Hadoop versions.

Start Spark Shell / PySpark with the --packages flag, for instance:

spark-shell --packages io.lakefs:lakefs-spark-client_2.12:0.14.1

Alternatively use the assembled jar (an “Überjar”) on S3, from s3://treeverse-clients-us-east/lakefs-spark-client/0.14.1/lakefs-spark-client-assembly-0.14.1.jar by passing its path to --jars. The assembled jar is larger but shades several common libraries. Use it if Spark complains about bad classes or missing methods.

Include this assembled jar (an “Überjar”) from S3, from s3://treeverse-clients-us-east/lakefs-spark-client/0.14.1/lakefs-spark-client-assembly-0.14.1.jar.


  1. To read metadata from lakeFS, the client should be configured with your lakeFS endpoint and credentials, using the following Hadoop configurations:

    Configuration Description
    spark.hadoop.lakefs.api.url lakeFS API endpoint, e.g:
    spark.hadoop.lakefs.api.access_key The access key to use for fetching metadata from lakeFS
    spark.hadoop.lakefs.api.secret_key Corresponding lakeFS secret key
  2. The client will also directly interact with your storage using Hadoop FileSystem. Therefore, your Spark session must be able to access the underlying storage of your lakeFS repository. There are various ways to do this, but for a non-production environment you can use the following Hadoop configurations:

    Configuration Description
    spark.hadoop.fs.s3a.access.key Access key to use for accessing underlying storage on S3
    spark.hadoop.fs.s3a.secret.key Corresponding secret key to use with S3 access key

    Assuming role on S3 (Hadoop 3 only)

    The client includes support for assuming a separate role on S3 when running on Hadoop 3. It uses the same configuration used by S3AFileSystem to assume the role on S3A. Apache Hadoop AWS documentation has details under “Working with IAM Assumed Roles”. You will need to use the following Hadoop configurations:

    Configuration Description Set to org.apache.hadoop.fs.s3a.auth.AssumedRoleCredentialProvider
    fs.s3a.assumed.role.arn Set to the ARN of the role to assume


  1. Get a DataFrame for listing all objects in a commit:

    import io.treeverse.clients.LakeFSContext
    val commitID = "a1b2c3d4"
    val df = LakeFSContext.newDF(spark, "example-repo", commitID)
    /* output example:
       |        key |             address|                etag|      last_modified|size|
       |     file_1 |791457df80a0465a8...|7b90878a7c9be5a27...|2021-03-05 11:23:30|  36|
       |     file_2 |e15be8f6e2a74c329...|95bee987e9504e2c3...|2021-03-05 11:45:25|  36|
       |     file_3 |f6089c25029240578...|32e2f296cb3867d57...|2021-03-07 13:43:19|  36|
       |     file_4 |bef38ef97883445c8...|e920efe2bc220ffbb...|2021-03-07 13:43:11|  13|
  2. Run SQL queries on your metadata:

    spark.sql("SELECT DATE(last_modified), COUNT(*) FROM files GROUP BY 1 ORDER BY 1")
    /* output example:
       |        dt|count(1)|
       |2021-03-05|       2|
       |2021-03-07|       2|
  3. Search by user metadata:

    import io.treeverse.clients.LakeFSContext
    val namespace = "s3://bucket/repo/path/"
    val df = LakeFSContext.newDF(spark, namespace)
    val key = "SomeKey"
    val searchedValue = "val3""key", "user_metadata")
    	.filter(_.getMap[String, String](1).toMap.get(s"X-Amz-Meta-${key}").getOrElse("") == searchedValue)
    /* output example:
       |key      |user_metadata                                        |
       |file1.txt|{X-Amz-Meta-SomeKey -> val3, X-Amz-Meta-Tag -> blue} |
       |file8.txt|{X-Amz-Meta-SomeKey -> val3, X-Amz-Meta-Tag -> green}|