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S3-Supported API

The S3 Gateway emulates a subset of the API exposed by S3. This subset includes all API endpoints relevant to data systems.

For more information, see architecture.

lakeFS supports the following API operations:

  1. Identity and authorization
    1. SIGv2
    2. SIGv4
  2. Bucket operations:
    1. HEAD bucket
  3. Object operations:
    1. DeleteObject
    2. DeleteObjects
    3. GetObject
      1. Support for caching headers, ETag
      2. Support for range requests
      3. No support for SSE
      4. No support for SelectObject operations
    4. HeadObject
    5. PutObject
      1. Support multi-part uploads
      2. No support for storage classes
      3. No object level tagging
    6. CopyObject
  4. Object Listing:
    1. ListObjects
    2. ListObjectsV2
    3. Delimiter support (for "/" only)
  5. Multipart Uploads:
    1. AbortMultipartUpload
    2. CompleteMultipartUpload
    3. CreateMultipartUpload
    4. ListParts Currently supported only on AWS S3. Link to tracked issue
    5. ListMultipartUploads Currently supported only on AWS S3. Link to tracked issue
    6. Upload Part
    7. UploadPartCopy