lakeFS Cloud
lakeFS Enterprise
Auditing is only available for lakeFS Cloud.
Please note, as of Jan 2024, the queryable interface within the lakeFS Cloud UI has been removed in favor of direct access to lakeFS audit logs. This document now describes how to set up and query this information using AWS Glue as a reference.
The lakeFS audit log allows you to view all relevant user action information in a clear and organized table, including when the action was performed, by whom, and what it was they did.
This can be useful for several purposes, including:
Compliance - Audit logs can be used to show what data users accessed, as well as any changes they made to user management.
Troubleshooting - If something changes on your underlying object store that you weren’t expecting, such as a big file suddenly breaking into thousands of smaller files, you can use the audit log to find out what action led to this change.
Setting up access to Audit Logs on AWS S3
The access to the Audit Logs is done via AWS S3 Access Point.
There are different ways to interact with an access point (see Using access points in AWS).
The initial setup:
- Take note of the IAM Role ARN that will be used to access the data. This should be the user or role used by e.g. Athena.
- Reach out to customer success and provide this ARN. Once receiving the ARN role, an access point will be created and you should get in response the following details:
- S3 Bucket (e.g.
) - S3 URI to an access point (e.g.
) - Access Point alias. You can use this alias instead of the bucket name or Access Point ARN to access data through the Access Point. (e.g.
- S3 Bucket (e.g.
- Update your IAM Role policy and trust policy if required
A minimal example for IAM policy with 2 lakeFS installations in 2 regions (us-east-1
, us-west-2
"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": [
"Condition": {
"StringLike": {
"s3:prefix": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": [
"Action": [
"Resource": [
"Effect": "Allow"
Trust Policy example that allows anyone in your account to assume the role above:
"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Principal": {
"AWS": "arn:aws:iam::<YOUR_ACCOUNT_ID>:root"
"Action": "sts:AssumeRole",
"Condition": {}
Authentication is done by assuming an IAM Role:
aws sts assume-role --role-arn arn:aws:iam::<your-aws-account>:role/<reader-role> --role-session-name <name>
# verify role assumed
aws sts get-caller-identity
# list objects (can be used with --recursive) with access point ARN
aws s3 ls arn:aws:s3:us-east-1:<treeverse-id>:accesspoint/lakefs-logs-<organization>/etl/v1/data/region=<region>/organization=org-<organization>/
# get object locally via s3 access point alias
aws s3api get-object --bucket lakefs-logs-<generated>-s3alias --key etl/v1/data/region=<region>/organization=org-<organization>/year=<YY>/month=<MM>/day=<DD>/hour=<HH>/<file>-snappy.parquet sample.parquet
Data layout
The bucket name is important when creating the IAM policy but, the Access Point ARN and Alias will be the ones that are used to access the data (i.e AWS CLI, Spark etc).
Bucket Name: lakefs-audit-logs-us-east-1-production
Root prefix: etl/v1/data/region=<region>/organization=org-<organization-name>/
Files Path pattern: All the audit logs files are in parquet format and their pattern is: etl/v1/data/region=<region>/organization=org-<organization-name>/year=<YY>/month=<MM>/day=<DD>/hour=<HH>/*-snappy.parquet
Path Values
region: lakeFS installation region (e.g the region in lakeFS URL: https://
organization: Found in the lakeFS URL https://<organization-name>.<region>
. The value in the S3 path must be prefixed with org-<organization-name>
- year
- month
- day
- hour
As an example paths for “Acme” organization with 2 lakeFS installations:
# ACME in us-east-1
# ACME in us-west-2
The files are in parquet format and can be accessed directly from Spark or any client that can read parquet files.
Using Spark’s printSchema()
we can inspect the values, that’s the latest schema with comments on important columns:
column | type | description |
data_user |
string | the internal user ID for the user making the request. if using an external IdP (i.e SSO, Microsoft Entra, etc) it will be the UID represented by the IdP. (see below an example how to extract the info of external IDs in python) |
data_repository |
string | the repository ID relevant for this request. Currently only returned for s3_gateway requests |
data_ref |
string | the reference ID (tag, branch, …) relevant for this request. Currently only returned for s3_gateway requests |
data_status_code |
int | HTTP status code returned for this request |
data_service_name |
string | Service name for the request. Could be either “rest_api” or “s3_gateway” |
data_request_id |
string | Unique ID representing this request |
data_path |
string | HTTP path used for this request |
data_operation_id |
string | Logical operation ID for this request. E.g. list_objects , delete_repository , … |
data_method |
string | HTTP method for the request |
data_time |
string | datetime representing the start time of this request, in ISO 8601 format |
IdP users: map user IDs from audit logs to an email in lakeFS
The data_user
column in each log represents the user id that performed it.
- It might be empty in cases where authentication is not required (e.g login attempt).
- If the user is an API user created internally in lakeFS that id is also the name it was given.
might contain an ID to an external IdP (i.e. SSO system), usually it is not human friendly, we can correlate the ID to a lakeFS email used, see an example using the Python lakefs-sdk.
import lakefs_sdk
# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basic_auth
configuration = lakefs_sdk.Configuration(
host = "https://<org>.<region>",
username = 'AKIA...',
password = '...'
# Print all user email and uid in lakeFS
# the uid is equal to the user id in the audit logs.
with lakefs_sdk.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
auth_api = lakefs_sdk.AuthApi(api_client)
has_more = True
next_offset = ''
page_size = 100
while has_more:
resp = auth_api.list_users(prefix='', after=next_offset, amount=page_size)
for u in resp.results:
email =
uid =
print(f'Email: {email}, UID: {uid}')
has_more = resp.pagination.has_more
next_offset = resp.pagination.next_offset
Example: Glue Notebook with Spark
from awsglue.transforms import *
from pyspark.context import SparkContext
from awsglue.context import GlueContext
from awsglue.job import Job
sc = SparkContext.getOrCreate()
glueContext = GlueContext(sc)
spark = glueContext.spark_session
job = Job(glueContext)
# connect to s3 access point
alias = 's3://<bucket-alias-name>'
s3_dyf = glueContext.create_dynamic_frame.from_options(
"paths": [alias + "/etl/v1/data/region=<region>/organization=org-<org>/year=<YY>/month=<MM>/day=<DD>/hour=<HH>/"],
"recurse": True,