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Work with lakeFS Data Locally

When working with lakeFS, there are scenarios where we need to access and manipulate data locally. An example use case for working locally is machine learning model development. Machine learning model development is dynamic and iterative. To optimize this process, experiments need to be conducted with speed, tracking ease, and reproducibility. Localizing model data during development accelerates the process by enabling interactive and offline development and reducing data access latency.

lakeFS provides 2 ways to expose versioned data locally

Table of contents

  1. lakeFS Mount
  2. lakectl local

lakeFS Mount

lakeFS Mount is available (in preview) for lakeFS Enterprise and lakeFS Cloud customers.
You can try it out by signing up for the preview

Getting started with lakeFS Mount


  • A working lakeFS Server running either lakeFS Enterprise or lakeFS Cloud
  • You’ve installed the lakectl command line utility: this is the official lakeFS command line interface, on top of which lakeFS Mount is built.
  • lakectl is configured properly to access your lakeFS server as detailed in the configuration instructions

Mounting a path to a local directory:

  1. In lakeFS create a new branch called my-experiment. You can do this through the UI or with lakectl:

     docker exec lakefs \
         lakectl branch create \
             lakefs://quickstart/my-experiment \
             --source lakefs://quickstart/main
  2. Mount images from your quickstart repository into a local directory named my_local_dir

    everest mount lakefs://quickstart/my-experiment/images my_local_dir

Once complete, my_local_dir should be mounted with the specified path.

  1. Verify that my_local_dir is linked to the correct path in your lakeFS remote:
ls -l my_local_dir
  1. To unmount the directory, simply run:
everest umount ./my_local_dir

Which will unmount the path and terminate the local mount-server.

lakectl local

Alternatively, we can use lakectl local to bring a subset of our lakeFS data to a local directory within the lakeFS container and edit an image dataset used for ML model development. Unlike lakeFS Mount, using lakectl local requires copying data to/from lakeFS and your local machine.

Cloning a Subset of lakeFS Data into a Local Directory

  1. In lakeFS create a new branch called my-experiment. You can do this through the UI or with lakectl:

     docker exec lakefs lakectl branch create lakefs://quickstart/my-experiment --source lakefs://quickstart/main
  2. Clone images from your quickstart repository into a local directory named my_local_dir within your container:

     docker exec lakefs lakectl local clone lakefs://quickstart/my-experiment/images my_local_dir
  3. Verify that my_local_dir is linked to the correct path in your lakeFS remote:

     docker exec lakefs lakectl local list

    You should see confirmation that my_local_dir is tracking the desired lakeFS path.:

        my_local_dir	lakefs://quickstart/my-experiment/images/8614575b5488b47a094163bd17a12ed0b82e0bcbfd22ed1856151c671f1faa53
  4. Verify that your local environment is up-to-date with its remote path:

     docker exec lakefs lakectl local status my_local_dir

    You should get a confirmation message like this showing that there is no difference between your local environment and the lakeFS remote:

    diff 'local:///home/lakefs/my_local_dir' <--> 'lakefs://quickstart/8614575b5488b47a094163bd17a12ed0b82e0bcbfd22ed1856151c671f1faa53/images/'...
    diff 'lakefs://quickstart/8614575b5488b47a094163bd17a12ed0b82e0bcbfd22ed1856151c671f1faa53/images/' <--> 'lakefs://quickstart/my-experiment/images/'...
    No diff found.

Making Changes to Data Locally

  1. Download a new image of an Axolotl and add it to the dataset cloned into my_local_dir:

     curl -L > axolotl.png
     docker cp axolotl.png lakefs:/home/lakefs/my_local_dir
  2. Clean the dataset by removing images larger than 225 KB:
     docker exec lakefs find my_local_dir -type f -size +225k -delete
  3. Check the status of your local changes compared to the lakeFS remote path:
     docker exec lakefs lakectl local status my_local_dir

    You should get a confirmation message like this, showing the modifications you made locally:

     diff 'local:///home/lakefs/my_local_dir' <--> 'lakefs://quickstart/8614575b5488b47a094163bd17a12ed0b82e0bcbfd22ed1856151c671f1faa53/images/'...
     diff 'lakefs://quickstart/8614575b5488b47a094163bd17a12ed0b82e0bcbfd22ed1856151c671f1faa53/images/' <--> 'lakefs://quickstart/my-experiment/images/'...
     ║ SOURCE ║ CHANGE   ║ PATH                ║
     ║ local  ║ modified ║ axolotl.png         ║
     ║ local  ║ removed  ║ duckdb-main-02.png  ║
     ║ local  ║ removed  ║ empty-repo-list.png ║
     ║ local  ║ removed  ║ repo-contents.png   ║

Pushing Local Changes to lakeFS

Once we are done with editing the image dataset in our local environment, we will push our changes to the lakeFS remote so that the improved dataset is shared and versioned.

  1. Commit your local changes to lakeFS:

     docker exec lakefs lakectl local commit -m 'Deleted images larger than 225KB in size and changed the Axolotl image' my_local_dir

    In your branch, you should see the commit including your local changes:

    A lakectl local commit to lakeFS

  2. Compare my-experiment branch to the main branch to visualize your changes:

    A comparison between a branch that includes local changes to the main branch

Bonus Challenge

And so with that, this quickstart for lakeFS draws to a close. If you’re simply having too much fun to stop then here’s an exercise for you.

Implement the requirement from the beginning of this quickstart correctly, such that you write denmark-lakes.parquet in the respective branch and successfully merge it back into main. Look up how to list the contents of the main branch and verify that it looks like this:

object          2023-03-21 17:33:51 +0000 UTC    20.9 kB         denmark-lakes.parquet
object          2023-03-21 14:45:38 +0000 UTC    916.4 kB        lakes.parquet

Finishing Up

Once you’ve finished the quickstart, shut down your local environment with the following command:

docker stop lakefs