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lakeFS 1.0 - Code Migration Guide

Version 1.0.0 promises API and SDK stability. By “API” we mean any access to a lakeFS REST endpoint. By “SDK” we mean auto-generated lakeFS clients: lakefs-sdk for Python and io.lakefs:sdk for Java. This guide details the steps to allow you to upgrade your code to enjoy this stability.

Avoid using APIs and SDKs labeled as experimental, internal, or deprecated. If you must use them, be prepared to adjust your application to align with any lakeFS server updates.

Your software developed without such APIs should be compatible with all minor version updates of the lakeFS server from the version you originally developed with.

If you rely on a publicly released API and SDK, it will adhere to semantic versioning. Transitioning your application to a minor SDK version update should be smooth.

The operation names and tags from the api/swagger.yml specification might differ based on the SDK or coding language in use.

Deleted API Operations

The following API operations have been removed:

  • updatePassword
  • forgotPassword
  • logBranchCommits
  • expandTemplate
  • createMetaRange
  • ingestRange
  • updateBranchToken

Internal API Operations

The following operations are for internal use only and should not be used in your application code. Some deprecated operations have alternatives provided.

  • setupCommPrefs
  • getSetupState
  • setup
  • getAuthCapabilities
  • uploadObjectPreflight
  • setGarbageCollectionRulesPreflight
  • createBranchProtectionRulePreflight
  • postStatsEvents
  • dumpRefs (will be replaced with a long-running API later)
  • restoreRefs (will be replaced with a long-running API later)
  • createSymlinkFile (Deprecated)
  • getStorageConfig (Deprecated. Alternative: getConfig)
  • getLakeFSVersion (Deprecated. Alternative: getConfig)
  • stageObject (Deprecated. Alternatives: get/link physical address or import)
  • internalDeleteBranchProtectionRule (Deprecated. Temporary backward support. Alternative: setBranchProtectionRules)
  • internalCreateBranchProtectionRule (Deprecated. Temporary backward support. Alternative: setBranchProtectionRules)
  • internalGetBranchProtectionRule (Deprecated. Temporary backward support. Alternative: getBranchProtectionRules)
  • internalDeleteGarbageCollectionRules (Deprecated. Temporary backward support. Alternative: deleteGCRules)
  • internalSetGarbageCollectionRules (Deprecated. Temporary backward support. Alternative: setGCRules)
  • internalGetGarbageCollectionRules (Deprecated. Temporary backward support. Alternative: getGCRules)
  • prepareGarbageCollectionCommits
  • getGarbageCollectionConfig

New/Updated API Operations

Here are the newly added or updated operations:

  • getConfig (Retrieve lakeFS version and storage info)
  • setBranchProtectionRules (Route updated)
  • getBranchProtectionRules (Route updated)
  • getGCRules (New route introduced)
  • setGCRules (New route introduced)
  • deleteGCRules (New route introduced)
  • importStatus (Response structure updated: ‘ImportStatusResp’ to ‘ImportStatus’)
  • uploadObject (Parameters ‘if-none-match’ and ‘storageClass’ are now deprecated)
  • prepareGarbageCollectionCommits (Request body removed)
  • getOtfDiffs & otfDiff (Removed from ‘otf diff’ tag; retained in ‘experimental’ tag)

Migrating SDK Code for Java and JVM-based Languages


If you are using the lakeFS client for Java or for any other JVM-based language, be aware that the current package is not stable with respect to minor version upgrades. Transitioning from io.lakefs:lakefs-client to io.lakefs:sdk will necessitate rewriting your API calls to fit the new design paradigm.

Problem with the Old Style

Previously, API calls required developers to pass all parameters, including optional ones, in a single function call. As demonstrated in this older style:

ObjectStats objectStat = objectsApi.statObject(
    objectLoc.getRepository(), objectLoc.getRef(), objectLoc.getPath(),
    false, false);

This method posed a couple of challenges:

  1. Inflexibility with Upgrades: If an optional parameter were introduced in newer versions, existing code would fail to compile.
  2. Maintenance Difficulty: Long argument lists can be challenging to manage and understand, leading to potential mistakes and readability issues.

Adopting the Fluent Style

In the revised SDK, API calls adopt a fluent style, making the code more modular and adaptive to changes.

Here’s an example of the new style:

ObjectStats objectStat = objectsApi
        objectLoc.getRepository(), objectLoc.getRef(), objectLoc.getPath()

Here’s a breakdown of the changes:

  1. Initial Function Call: Begin by invoking the desired function with all required parameters.
  2. Modifying Optional Parameters: Chain any modifications to optional parameters after the initial function. For instance, userMetadata is changed in the example above.
  3. Unused Optional Parameters: You can safely ignore these. For instance, this code ignores the presign optional parameter because it never uses it.
  4. Execution: Complete the call with the .execute() method.

This new design offers several advantages:

  • Compatibility with Upgrades: When a new optional parameter is introduced, existing code will use its default value, preserving compatibility with minor server version upgrades.
  • Improved Readability: The fluent style makes it evident which parameters are required and which ones are optional, enhancing code clarity.

When migrating your code, ensure you refactor all your API calls to adopt the new fluent style. This ensures that your application remains maintainable and is safeguarded against potential issues arising from minor SDK version upgrades.

For an illustrative example of the transition between styles, you can view the changes made in this pull request: lakeFS pull request #6529.

Migrating SDK Code for Python


If you continue using the Python lakefs-client package for lakeFS, it’s important to note that the package has reached its end of support with minor version updates. You need to switch from lakefs-client to lakefs-sdk, which will require rewriting your API calls.

Here’s a breakdown of the changes:

  1. Modules change
    • The previous model module was renamed to models, meaning that lakefs_client.model imports should be replaced with lakefs_sdk.models imports.
    • The apis module in lakefs_client is deprecated and no longer supported. To migrate to the new api module in lakefs_sdk, you should replace all imports of lakefs_client.apis with imports of lakefs_sdk.api. We still recommend using the lakefs_sdk.LakeFSClient class instead of using the api module directly. The LakeFSClient class provides a higher-level interface to the LakeFS API and makes it easier to use LakeFS in your applications.
  2. upload_object API call: The content parameter value passed to the objects_api.upload_object method call should be either a string containing the path to the uploaded file, or bytes of data to be uploaded.
  3. get_object API call: The return value of client.get_object(...) is a bytearray containing the content of the object.
  4. **client.{operation}_api**: The lakefs-client package’s LakeFSClient class’s deprecation-marked operations (client.{operation}) will no longer be available in the lakefs-sdk package’s LakeFSClient class. In their place, the client.{operation}_api should be used.
  5. Minimum Python Version: 3.7
  6. Fetching results from response objects: Instead of fetching the required results properties from a dictionary using response_result.get_property(prop_name), the response objects will include domain specific entities, thus referring to the properties in the results of the response - response_result.prop_name.

    For example, instead of:

    response = lakefs_client.branches.diff_branch(repository='repo', branch='main')
    diff = response.results[0] # 'results' is a 'DiffList' object
    path = diff.get_property('path') # 'diff' is a dictionary

    You should use:

    response = lakefs_client.branches_api.diff_branch(repository='repo', branch='main')
    diff = response.results[0] # 'results' is a 'DiffList' object
    path = diff.path # 'diff' is a 'Diff' object