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⚠️ Deprecating lakefs-client, the legacy Python 🐍 Client SDKs

lakefs-client is now deprecated, and we will shortly publish its last release to PyPI.

What is changing?

Ever since we released lakeFS 1.0, we have supported these two SDKs to program for lakeFS with Python:

These clients will continue.

Before lakeFS 1.0 we would publish only:

We have continued to publish lakefs-client since the 1.0 release, in order to provide continued support for existing users of this legacy Python SDK client. But there are better alternatives, and its continued presence only confuses our users.

Now it is time to deprecate this client, and we will stop publishing it at or after the version 1.40 release of lakeFS.


What will happen to existing users of lakefs-client?

All existing uses will continue to work. Obviously we will not be pulling these published versions because of this change. We will stop publishing new versions of these clients.

how do I migrate from using lakefs-client to lakefs-sdk?

Migration is covered by Migrating to 1.0. In most cases the changes are quite simple.

Will new versions of lakefs-client be published?


Version 1.40 will be the last release of lakeFS to include a new version of the legacy client. In order to use any new features of the lakeFS API, you will need to upgrade your programs to use lakefs-sdk.

Will programs using old versions of lakefs-client continue to work with new versions of lakeFS?


A program that uses any 1.x version of lakefs-client still uses 1.x versions of lakeFS APIs. Its usage of those APIs is still covered by the lakeFS interface guarantees, so it will continue to work with future 1.x releases.

What about the legacy Java SDK generated client?

That is also going away. However we see much less usage of it.

Where can I ask another question not covered here?

As always, our Slack is the best place to interact with the lakeFS community! Try asking on our #dev channel