Use Python to interact with your objects on lakeFS
Table of contents
If your project is currently using the legacy Python
, please be aware that this version has been deprecated. As of release v1.44.0, it’s no longer supported for new updates or features.
High Level Python SDK New We’ve just released a new High Level Python SDK library, and we’re super excited to tell you about it! Continue reading to get the full story! Though our previous SDK client is still supported and maintained, we highly recommend using the new High Level SDK. For previous Python SDKs follow these links: legacy-sdk (Deprecated)
Overview of lakeFS integration approaches using Python:
- Use the High Level lakeFS SDK to perform object operations, versioning and other lakeFS-specific operations.
- Use the generated lakefs-sdk for direct API access based on the OpenAPI specification of lakeFS.
- Use Boto to perform object operations through the lakeFS S3 gateway.
- Using lakefs-spec to perform high-level file operations through a file-system-like API.
Using the lakeFS SDK
Install the Python client using pip:
pip install lakefs
The High Level SDK by default will try to collect authentication parameters from the environment and attempt to create a default client. When working in an environment where lakectl is configured it is not necessary to instantiate a lakeFS client or provide it for creating the lakeFS objects. In case no authentication parameters exist, it is also possible to explicitly create a lakeFS client
Here’s how to instantiate a client:
See here for instructions on how to log in with Python using your AWS role. This is applicable for enterprise users.
from lakefs.client import Client
clt = Client(
You can use TLS with a CA that is not trusted on the host by configuring the client with a CA cert bundle file. It should contain concatenated CA certificates in PEM format:
clt = Client(
# Customize the CA certificates used to verify the peer.
For testing SSL endpoints you may wish to use a self-signed certificate. If you do this and receive an SSL: CERTIFICATE_VERIFY_FAILED
error message you might add the following configuration to your client:
clt = Client(
This setting allows well-known “man-in-the-middle”, impersonation, and credential stealing attacks. Never use this in any production setting.
Optionally, to enable communication via proxies, add a proxy configuration:
clt = Client(
ssl_ca_cert="(if needed)",
proxy="<proxy server URL>",
Usage Examples
Lets see how we can interact with lakeFS using the High Level SDK.
Creating a repository
import lakefs
repo = lakefs.repository("example-repo").create(storage_namespace="s3://storage-bucket/repos/example-repo")
If using an explicit client, create the Repository object and pass the client to it (note the changed syntax).
import lakefs
from lakefs.client import Client
clt = Client(
repo = lakefs.Repository("example-repo", client=clt).create(storage_namespace="s3://storage-bucket/repos/example-repo")
{id: 'example-repo', creation_date: 1697815536, default_branch: 'main', storage_namespace: 's3://storage-bucket/repos/example-repo'}
List repositories
import lakefs
print("Listing repositories:")
for repo in lakefs.repositories():
Listing repositories:
{id: 'example-repo', creation_date: 1697815536, default_branch: 'main', storage_namespace: 's3://storage-bucket/repos/example-repo'}
Creating a branch
import lakefs
branch1 = lakefs.repository("example-repo").branch("experiment1").create(source_reference="main")
print("experiment1 ref:", branch1.get_commit().id)
branch2 = lakefs.repository("example-repo").branch("experiment2").create(source_reference="main")
print("experiment2 ref:", branch2.get_commit().id)
experiment1 ref: 7a300b41a8e1ca666c653171a364c08f640549c24d7e82b401bf077c646f8859
experiment2 ref: 7a300b41a8e1ca666c653171a364c08f640549c24d7e82b401bf077c646f8859
List branches
import lakefs
for branch in lakefs.repository("example-repo").branches():
Great, now lets see some IO operations in action! The new High Level SDK provide IO semantics which allow to work with lakeFS objects as if they were files in your filesystem. This is extremely useful when working with data transformation packages that accept file descriptors and streams.
A simple way to upload data is to use the upload
method which accepts contents as str/bytes
obj = branch1.object(path="text/sample_data.txt").upload(content_type="text/plain", data="This is my object data")
{'path': 'text/sample_data.txt', 'physical_address': 's3://storage-bucket/repos/example-repo/data/gke0ignnl531fa6k90p0/ckpfk4fnl531fa6k90pg', 'physical_address_expiry': None, 'checksum': '4a09d10820234a95bb548f14e4435bba', 'size_bytes': 15, 'mtime': 1701865289, 'metadata': {}, 'content_type': 'text/plain'}
Reading the data is just as simple:
This is my object data
Now let’s generate a “sample_data.csv” file and write it directly to a lakeFS writer object
import csv
sample_data = [
[1, "Alice", ""],
[2, "Bob", ""],
[3, "Carol", ""],
obj = branch1.object(path="csv/sample_data.csv")
with obj.writer(mode='w', pre_sign=True, content_type="text/csv") as fd:
writer = csv.writer(fd)
writer.writerow(["ID", "Name", "Email"])
for row in sample_data:
On context exit the object will be uploaded to lakeFS
{'path': 'csv/sample_data.csv', 'physical_address': 's3://storage-bucket/repos/example-repo/data/gke0ignnl531fa6k90p0/ckpfk4fnl531fa6k90pg', 'physical_address_expiry': None, 'checksum': 'f181262c138901a74d47652d5ea72295', 'size_bytes': 88, 'mtime': 1701865939, 'metadata': {}, 'content_type': 'text/csv'}
We can also upload raw byte contents:
obj = branch1.object(path="raw/").upload(data=b"Hello Object World", pre_sign=True)
{'path': 'raw/', 'physical_address': 's3://storage-bucket/repos/example-repo/data/gke0ignnl531fa6k90p0/ckpfltvnl531fa6k90q0', 'physical_address_expiry': None, 'checksum': '0ef432f8eb0305f730b0c57bbd7a6b08', 'size_bytes': 18, 'mtime': 1701866323, 'metadata': {}, 'content_type': 'application/octet-stream'}
Uncommitted changes
Using the branch uncommmitted
method will show all the uncommitted changes on that branch:
for diff in branch1.uncommitted():
{'type': 'added', 'path': 'text/sample_data.txt', 'path_type': 'object', 'size_bytes': 15}
{'type': 'added', 'path': 'csv/sample_data.csv', 'path_type': 'object', 'size_bytes': 88}
{'type': 'added', 'path': 'raw/', 'path_type': 'object', 'size_bytes': 18}
As expected, our change appears here. Let’s commit it and attach some arbitrary metadata:
ref = branch1.commit(message='Add some data!', metadata={'using': 'python_sdk'})
{'id': 'c4666db80d2a984b4eab8ce02b6a60830767eba53995c26350e0ad994e15fedb', 'parents': ['a7a092a5a32a2cd97f22abcc99414f6283d29f6b9dd2725ce89f90188c5901e5'], 'committer': 'admin', 'message': 'Add some data!', 'creation_date': 1701866838, 'meta_range_id': '999bedeab1b740f83d2cf8c52548d55446f9038c69724d399adc4438412cade2', 'metadata': {'using': 'python_sdk'}}
Calling uncommitted
again on the same branch, this time there should be no uncommitted files:
Merging changes from a branch into main
Let’s diff between your branch and the main branch:
main = repo.branch("main")
for diff in main.diff(other_ref=branch1):
{'type': 'added', 'path': 'text/sample_data.txt', 'path_type': 'object', 'size_bytes': 15}
{'type': 'added', 'path': 'csv/sample_data.csv', 'path_type': 'object', 'size_bytes': 88}
{'type': 'added', 'path': 'raw/', 'path_type': 'object', 'size_bytes': 18}
Looks like we have some changes. Let’s merge them:
res = branch1.merge_into(main)
# output:
# cfddb68b7265ae0b17fafa1a2068f8414395e0a8b8bc0f8d741cbcce1e67e394
Let’s diff again - there should be no changes as all changes are on our main branch already:
Read data from main branch
import csv
obj = main.object(path="csv/sample_data.csv")
for row in csv.reader(obj.reader(mode='r')):
['ID', 'Name', 'Email']
['1', 'Alice', '']
['2', 'Bob', '']
['3', 'Carol', '']
Importing data into lakeFS
The new SDK makes it much easier to import existing data from the object store into lakeFS, using the new ImportManager
import lakefs
branch = lakefs.repository("example-repo").repo.branch("experiment3")
# We can import data from multiple sources in a single import process
# The following example initializes a new ImportManager and adds 2 source types; A prefix and an object.
importer = branch.import_data(commit_message="added public S3 data") \
.prefix("s3://example-bucket1/path1/", destination="datasets/path1/") \
.object("s3://example-bucket1/path2/imported_obj", destination="datasets/path2/imported_obj")
# run() is a convenience method that blocks until the import is reported as done, raising an exception if it fails.
Alternatively we can call start()
and status()
ourselves for an async version of the above
import time
# Async version
status = importer.start()
while not status.completed or status.error is None:
time.sleep(3) # or whatever interval you choose
status = importer.status()
if status.error:
# handle!
print(f"imported a total of {status.ingested_objects} objects!")
imported a total of 25478 objects!
Transactions is a new feature in the High Level SDK. It allows performing a sequence of operations on a branch as an atomic unit, similarly to how database transactions work. Under the hood, the transaction creates an ephemeral branch from the source branch, performs all the operation on that branch, and merges it back to the source branch once the transaction is completed. Transactions are currently supported as a context manager only.
import lakefs
branch = lakefs.repository("example-repo").repo.branch("experiment3")
with branch.transact(commit_message="my transaction") as tx:
for obj in tx.objects(prefix="prefix_to_delete/"): # Delete some objects
# Create new object
tx.object("new_object").upload("new object data")
Python SDK documentation and API reference
For the documentation of lakeFS’s Python package and full api reference, see
Using lakefs-spec for higher-level file operations
The lakefs-spec project provides higher-level file operations on lakeFS objects with a filesystem API, built on the fsspec project.
Note This library is a third-party package and not maintained by the lakeFS developers; please file issues and bug reports directly in the lakefs-spec repository.
Install lakefs-spec
directly with pip
python -m pip install --upgrade lakefs-spec
Interacting with lakeFS through a file system
To write a file directly to a branch in a lakeFS repository, consider the following example:
from pathlib import Path
from lakefs_spec import LakeFSFileSystem
REPO, BRANCH = "example-repo", "main"
# Prepare a local example file.
lpath = Path("demo.txt")
lpath.write_text("Hello, lakeFS!")
fs = LakeFSFileSystem() # will auto-discover credentials from ~/.lakectl.yaml
rpath = f"{REPO}/{BRANCH}/{}"
fs.put(lpath, rpath)
Reading it again from remote is as easy as the following:
f =, "rt")
print(f.readline()) # prints "Hello, lakeFS!"
Many more operations like retrieving an object’s metadata or checking an object’s existence on the lakeFS server are also supported. For a full list, see the API reference.
Integrations with popular data science packages
A number of Python data science projects support fsspec, with pandas being a prominent example. Reading a Parquet file from a lakeFS repository into a Pandas data frame for analysis is very easy, demonstrated on the quickstart repository sample data:
import pandas as pd
# Read into pandas directly by supplying the lakeFS URI...
lakes = pd.read_parquet(f"lakefs://quickstart/main/lakes.parquet")
german_lakes = lakes.query('Country == "Germany"')
# ... and store directly, again with a raw lakeFS URI.
A list of integrations with popular data science libraries can be found in the lakefs-spec documentation.
Using transactions for atomic versioning operations
As with the high-level SDK (see above), lakefs-spec also supports transactions for conducting versioning operations on newly modified files. The following is an example of creating a commit on the repository’s main branch directly after a file upload:
from lakefs_spec import LakeFSFileSystem
fs = LakeFSFileSystem()
# assumes you have a local train-test split as two text files:
# train-data.txt, and test-data.txt.
with fs.transaction("example-repo", "main") as tx:
fs.put_file("train-data.txt", f"example-repo/{}/train-data.txt")
tx.commit(message="Add training data")
fs.put_file("test-data.txt", f"example-repo/{}/test-data.txt")
sha = tx.commit(message="Add test data")
tx.tag(sha, name="My train-test split")
Transactions are atomic - if an exception happens at any point of the transaction, the repository remains unchanged.
Further information
For more user guides, tutorials on integrations with data science tools like pandas, and more, check out the lakefs-spec documentation.
Using Boto
💡 To use Boto with lakeFS alongside S3, check out Boto S3 Router. It will route requests to either S3 or lakeFS according to the provided bucket name.
lakeFS exposes an S3-compatible API, so you can use Boto to interact with your objects on lakeFS.
Create a Boto3 S3 client with your lakeFS endpoint and key-pair:
import boto3
s3 = boto3.client('s3',
The client is now configured to operate on your lakeFS installation.
Configuring Boto3 S3 Client with Checksum Settings
In newer versions of Boto3, when connecting to lakeFS using HTTPS,
you might encounter an AccessDenied error on upload,
while the lakeFS logs display an error encoding/hex: invalid byte: U+0053 'S'
To avoid this issue, explicitly configure the Boto3 client with the following checksum settings:
request_checksum_calculation: 'when_required'
response_checksum_validation: 'when_required'
Example of how to configure it:
import boto3
from botocore.config import Config
# Configure checksum settings
config = Config(
s3_client = boto3.client(
Usage Examples
Put an object into lakeFS
Use a branch name and a path to put an object in lakeFS:
with open('/local/path/to/file_0', 'rb') as f:
s3.put_object(Body=f, Bucket='example-repo', Key='main/example-file.parquet')
You can now commit this change using the lakeFS UI or CLI.
List objects
List the branch objects starting with a prefix:
list_resp = s3.list_objects_v2(Bucket='example-repo', Prefix='main/example-prefix')
for obj in list_resp['Contents']:
Or, use a lakeFS commit ID to list objects for a specific commit:
list_resp = s3.list_objects_v2(Bucket='example-repo', Prefix='c7a632d74f/example-prefix')
for obj in list_resp['Contents']:
Get object metadata
Get object metadata using branch and path:
s3.head_object(Bucket='example-repo', Key='main/example-file.parquet')
# output:
# {'ResponseMetadata': {'RequestId': '72A9EBD1210E90FA',
# 'HostId': '',
# 'HTTPStatusCode': 200,
# 'HTTPHeaders': {'accept-ranges': 'bytes',
# 'content-length': '1024',
# 'etag': '"2398bc5880e535c61f7624ad6f138d62"',
# 'last-modified': 'Sun, 24 May 2020 10:42:24 GMT',
# 'x-amz-request-id': '72A9EBD1210E90FA',
# 'date': 'Sun, 24 May 2020 10:45:42 GMT'},
# 'RetryAttempts': 0},
# 'AcceptRanges': 'bytes',
# 'LastModified': datetime.datetime(2020, 5, 24, 10, 42, 24, tzinfo=tzutc()),
# 'ContentLength': 1024,
# 'ETag': '"2398bc5880e535c61f7624ad6f138d62"',
# 'Metadata': {}}