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Fluffy Server Configuration

Configuring Fluffy using a YAML configuration file and/or environment variables. The configuration file’s location can be set with the ‘–config’ flag. If not specified, the first file found in the following order will be used:

  1. ./config.yaml
  2. $HOME/fluffy/config.yaml
  3. /etc/fluffy/config.yaml
  4. $HOME/.fluffy.yaml

Configuration items can be controlled by environment variables, see below.


This reference uses . to denote the nesting of values.

  • logging.format (one of ["json", "text"] : "text") - Format to output log message in
  • logging.level (one of ["TRACE", "DEBUG", "INFO", "WARN", "ERROR", "NONE"] : "INFO") - Logging level to output
  • logging.audit_log_level (one of ["TRACE", "DEBUG", "INFO", "WARN", "ERROR", "NONE"] : "DEBUG") - Audit logs level to output.

    Note: In case you configure this field to be lower than the main logger level, you won’t be able to get the audit logs

  • logging.output (string : "-") - A path or paths to write logs to. A - means the standard output, = means the standard error.
  • logging.file_max_size_mb (int : 100) - Output file maximum size in megabytes.
  • logging.files_keep (int : 0) - Number of log files to keep, default is all.
  • logging.trace_request_headers (bool : false) - If set to true and logging level is set to TRACE, logs request headers.
  • listen_address (string : "") - A <host>:<port> structured string representing the address to listen on
  • database - Configuration section for the Fluffy key-value store database. The database must be shared between lakeFS & Fluffy
    • database.type (string ["postgres"|"dynamodb"|"cosmosdb"|"local"] : ) - Fluffy database type
    • database.postgres - Configuration section when using database.type="postgres"
      • database.postgres.connection_string (string : "postgres://localhost:5432/postgres?sslmode=disable") - PostgreSQL connection string to use
      • database.postgres.max_open_connections (int : 25) - Maximum number of open connections to the database
      • database.postgres.max_idle_connections (int : 25) - Maximum number of connections in the idle connection pool
      • database.postgres.connection_max_lifetime (duration : 5m) - Sets the maximum amount of time a connection may be reused (valid units: ns|us|ms|s|m|h)
    • database.dynamodb - Configuration section when using database.type="dynamodb"
      • database.dynamodb.table_name (string : "kvstore") - Table used to store the data
      • database.dynamodb.scan_limit (int : 1025) - Maximal number of items per page during scan operation

        Note: Refer to the following AWS documentation for further information

      • database.dynamodb.endpoint (string : ) - Endpoint URL for database instance
      • database.dynamodb.aws_region (string : ) - AWS Region of database instance
      • database.dynamodb.aws_profile (string : ) - AWS named profile to use
      • database.dynamodb.aws_access_key_id (string : ) - AWS access key ID
      • database.dynamodb.aws_secret_access_key (string : ) - AWS secret access key
      • Note: endpoint aws_region aws_access_key_id aws_secret_access_key are not required and used mainly for experimental purposes when working with DynamoDB with different AWS credentials.
      • database.dynamodb.health_check_interval (duration : 0s) - Interval to run health check for the DynamoDB instance (won’t run if equal to 0).
    • database.cosmosdb - Configuration section when using database.type="cosmosdb"
      • database.cosmosdb.key (string : "") - If specified, will be used to authenticate to the CosmosDB account. Otherwise, Azure SDK default authentication (with env vars) will be used.
      • database.cosmosdb.endpoint (string : "") - CosmosDB account endpoint, e.g. https://<account>
      • database.cosmosdb.database (string : "") - CosmosDB database name.
      • database.cosmosdb.container (string : "") - CosmosDB container name.
      • database.cosmosdb.throughput (int32 : ) - CosmosDB container’s RU/s. If not set - the default CosmosDB container throughput is used.
      • database.cosmosdb.autoscale (bool : false) - If set, CosmosDB container throughput is autoscaled (See CosmosDB docs for minimum throughput requirement). Otherwise, uses “Manual” mode (Docs).

        • database.local - Configuration section when using database.type="local"
          • database.local.path (string : "~/fluffy/metadata") - Local path on the filesystem to store embedded KV metadata
          • database.local.sync_writes (bool: true) - Ensure each write is written to the disk. Disable to increase performance
          • database.local.prefetch_size (int: 256) - How many items to prefetch when iterating over embedded KV records
          • database.local.enable_logging (bool: false) - Enable trace logging for local driver
  • auth - Configuration section for the Fluffy authentication services, like SAML or OIDC.
    • auth.encrypt.secret_key (string : required) - Same value given to lakeFS. A random (cryptographically safe) generated string that is used for encryption and HMAC signing
    • auth.logout_redirect_url (string : "/auth/login") - The address to redirect to after a successful logout, e.g. login.
    • auth.post_login_redirect_url (string : '') - Required when SAML is enabled. The address to redirect after a successful login. For most common configurations, setting to / will redirect to lakeFS homepage.
    • auth.serve_listen_address (string : '') - If set, an endpoint serving RBAC requests binds to this address.
    • auth.serve_disable_authentication (bool : false) - Unsafe. Disables authentication to the RBAC server.
    • auth.ldap
      • auth.ldap.server_endpoint (string : required) - The LDAP server address, e.g. ‘ldaps://’
      • auth.ldap.bind_dn (string : required) - The bind string, e.g. ‘uid=,ou=Users,o=,dc=,dc=com'
      • auth.ldap.bind_password (string : required) - The password for the user to bind.
      • auth.ldap.username_attribute (string : required) - The user name attribute, e.g. ‘uid’
      • auth.ldap.user_base_dn (string : required) - The search request base dn, e.g. ‘ou=Users,o=,dc=,dc=com'
      • auth.ldap.user_filter (string : required) - The search request user filter, e.g. ‘(objectClass=inetOrgPerson)’
      • auth.ldap.connection_timeout_seconds (int : required) - The timeout for a single connection
      • auth.ldap.request_timeout_seconds (int : required) - The timeout for a single request
    • auth.saml Configuration section for SAML
      • auth.saml.enabled (bool : false) - Enables SAML Authentication.
      • auth.saml.sp_root_url (string : '') - The base lakeFS-URL, e.g. ‘https://'
      • auth.saml.sp_x509_key_path (string : '') - The path to the private key, e.g ‘/etc/saml_certs/rsa_saml_private.cert’
      • auth.saml.sp_x509_cert_path (string : '') - The path to the public key, ‘/etc/saml_certs/rsa_saml_public.pem’
      • auth.saml.sp_sign_request (bool : 'false') SPSignRequest some IdP require the SLO request to be signed
      • auth.saml.sp_signature_method (string : '') SPSignatureMethod optional valid signature values depending on the IdP configuration, e.g. ‘’
      • auth.saml.idp_metadata_url (string : '') - The URL for the metadata server, e.g. ‘https:///federationmetadata/2007-06/federationmetadata.xml'
      • auth.saml.idp_skip_verify_tls_cert (bool : false) - Insecure skip verification of the IdP TLS certificate, like when signed by a private CA
      • auth.saml.idp_authn_name_id_format (string : 'urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:1.1:nameid-format:unspecified') - The format used in the NameIDPolicy for authentication requests
      • auth.saml.idp_request_timeout (duration : '10s') The timeout for remote authentication requests.
      • auth.saml.external_user_id_claim_name (string : '') - The claim name to use as the user identifier with an IdP mostly for logout
    • auth.oidc Configuration section for OIDC
      • auth.oidc.enabled (bool : false) - Enables OIDC Authentication.
      • auth.oidc.url (string : '') - The OIDC provider url, e.g. ‘’
      • auth.oidc.client_id (string : '') - The application’s ID.
      • auth.oidc.client_secret (string : '') - The application’s secret.
      • auth.oidc.callback_base_url (string : '') - A default callback address of the Fluffy server.
      • auth.oidc.callback_base_urls (string[] : '[]')
    • Note: You may configure a list of URLs that the OIDC provider may redirect to. This allows lakeFS to be accessed from multiple hostnames while retaining federated auth capabilities. If the provider redirects to a URL not in this list, the login will fail. This property and callback_base_url are mutually exclusive.
      • auth.oidc.authorize_endpoint_query_parameters (bool : map[string]string) - key/value parameters that are passed to a provider’s authorization endpoint.
      • auth.oidc.logout_endpoint_query_parameters (string[] : '[]') - The query parameters that will be used to redirect the user to the OIDC provider after logout, e.g. ‘[returnTo, https:///oidc/login]'
      • auth.oidc.logout_client_id_query_parameter (string : '') - The claim name that represents the client identifier in the OIDC provider
      • auth.oidc.additional_scope_claims (string[] : '[]') - Specifies optional requested permissions, other than openid and profile that are being used.
    • auth.cache Configuration section for RBAC service cache
      • auth.cache.enabled (bool : true) - Enables RBAC service cache
      • auth.cache.size (int : 1024) - Number of users, policies and credentials to cache.
      • auth.cache.ttl (duration : 20s) - Cache items time to live expiry.
      • auth.cache.jitter (duration : 3s) - Cache items time to live jitter.
    • auth.external - Configuration section for the external authentication methods
      • auth.external.aws_auth - Configuration section for authenticating to lakeFS using AWS presign get-caller-identity request: External Principals AWS Auth
        • auth.external.aws_auth.enabled (bool : false) - If true, external principals API will be enabled, e.g auth service and login api’s.
        • auth.external.aws_auth.get_caller_identity_max_age (duration : 15m) - The maximum age in seconds for the GetCallerIdentity request to be valid, the max is 15 minutes enforced by AWS, smaller TTL can be set.
        • auth.authentication_api.external_principals_enabled (bool : false) - If true, external principals API will be enabled, e.g auth service and login api’s.
        • auth.external.aws_auth.valid_sts_hosts ([]string) - The default are all the valid AWS STS hosts (, etc).
        • auth.external.aws_auth.required_headers (map[string]string : ) - Headers that must be present by the client when doing login request (e.g X-LakeFS-Server-ID: <lakefs.ingress.domain>).
        • auth.external.aws_auth.optional_headers (map[string]string : ) - Optional headers that can be present by the client when doing login request.
        • auth.external.aws_auth.http_client.timeout (duration : 10s) - The timeout for the HTTP client used to communicate with AWS STS.
        • auth.external.aws_auth.http_client.skip_verify (bool : false) - Skip SSL verification with AWS STS.

Using Environment Variables

All the configuration variables can be set or overridden using environment variables. To set an environment variable, prepend FLUFFY_ to its name, convert it to upper case, and replace . with _:

For example, logging.format becomes FLUFFY_LOGGING_FORMAT, auth.saml.enabled becomes FLUFFY_AUTH_SAML_ENABLED, etc.