The lakeFS Enterprise software consists of two components:
- lakeFS Enterprise: a proprietary version of lakeFS which is based on the OSS version and includes advanced functionality.
- A proprietary component called Fluffy which includes lakeFS’ Enterprise features.
[1] Any user request to lakeFS via Browser or Programmatic access (SDK, HTTP API, lakectl).
[2] Reverse Proxy (e.g. NGINX, Traefik, K8S Ingress): will handle user requests and proxy between lakeFS server and fluffy server based on the path prefix while maintaining the same host.
[3] lakeFS server - the main lakeFS service.
[4] fluffy server - service that is responsible for the Enterprise features., it is separated by ports for security reasons.
- SSO auth (i.e Browser login via Azure AD, Okta, Auth0), default port 8000.
- RBAC authorization, default port 9000.
[5] The KV Store - Where metadata is stored used both by lakeFS and fluffy.
[6] SSO IdP - Identity provider (e.g. Azure AD, Okta, JumpCloud). fluffy implements SAML and Oauth2 protocols.
For more details and pricing, please contact sales.
Note: Setting up lakeFS enterprise with an SSO IdP (OIDC, SAML or LDAP) requires configuring access from the IdP too.